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In A Cloudy Morn

The keywords to the entire poem Poem, cloudy morn, delightful dawn, beauteous morn, green grassy lawn, golden glow of corn, ever-new, vaudeville view, cloudy sky, pure breathing air, birds, fly, human congestion, uncare, pure, meek and tender, beholder The poem in a nutshell It was a cloudy morning. When the light of the dawn crept into the speaker's room through the casements, it was a regaling and an enchanting experience on the part of the speaker persona of the poem. It took his / her soul away to an unknown island of imagination, beauty, open Nature, magnificence, grandeur and so on and so forth. Such a majestic land of beauty and of imagination is indeed a sheer visual, aural, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and spiritual treat altogether. Yes, we can fuse everything up in the world of imagination. In that world of fantasy, we have complete command over everything. Broadly speaking, we all have the power of imagination. Let'