
Showing posts with the label advent

The Advent of Corona (Haiku)

The poem "Advent of Corona" in a nutshell The days on our beautiful earth were rolling smoothly enough. It felt as if the good days would never  cease .  People were living a happy and peaceful life. Life was moving on like a stone without any moss. Everything was fully at ease and comfort.  Then suddenly, one day, an alien invaded our earth, our sweet earth, our precious earth. That alien is none other than Corona that causes COVID-19 to all and sundry. The trespassers turned our happy days dark indeed. Unlike the actual Advent, the arrival of Corona darkens our lives. Therein lies the irony. Unlike the Advent of our Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ, the destroyer, Corona, has made its advent harmful for all of us. Apart from that, the death toll is increasing day by day. It is the time when we should work hand in hand actively to fight against Corona, the strange stranger. The poem - "The Advent of Corona" - A Haiku It wa