
Showing posts with the label the nature conservancy

The Blades of Grass

The story behind the poem One day, I was feeling too mournful all through the day. Suddenly, a vision of a lawn suffused with verdant grasses flashed upon my soul. Whenever I feel sorrowful or sullen, I try to take refuge to Mother Nature. She as if lulls me to sleep to balm my mental wounds. Whenever I feel any kind of trouble or agitation within, I try to look at that imaginary blades of grasses and their winking habit with the dewdrops at dawn. Whenever I am about to bleed upon the "thorns of life", whenever I feel morose, they whisper and murmur solace and songs into my ears making my heart happy again. Lots of love, lots of balm soothe my sores. The blades of grass function as my life-giver every now and then. I am indeed indebted to all of them. The poem -- "The Blades of Grass" Whenever I think I'm about to fade, I look at the blink Of the grassy blade; Lots of whisper, Lots of murmur Provide me with shade In my t

To the Blade of Grass

The poem in a nutshell Nothing can be considered to be trivial in this world. Even a blade of glass  should be given importance. It, too, has the potential to teach us a grand lesson. It teaches us how to feel blissful even in the midst of complete turmoil. Bliss is purely internal. It is holy. Even though the grasses are trodden on by the mass, they never do lose their internal bliss. So, we have to stay calm and composed even in the midst of obstacles. Only then will we be competent enough to feel spiritually rich and happy. Therefore, as a thanksgiving note, this little poem has been addressed to the glorious blade of grass. The poem -- "To the Blade of Grass" I learn from you, O, blade of grass; Trodden are you By the mass. You stay at calm; You stay at peace; You silently hum, "You can't snatch my bliss". These are all Sublime virtues; Your sweet call Turns my heart loose. Stay at calm, In utmost peace; I, too,


The story behind the poem "Mingled" It was a sultry day. The sky was feeling gloomy in full swing. The earth was feeling morose. The crackling leaves were so dry. The birds were feeling weary to sing as if a disaster was in the offing. The rain was feeling dreary to come down on to the earth. Likewise, my own feelings reverberated in the entire Nature as if Nature could feel the "vibration of my soul". I was no more a separate entity. I was completely mingled with Nature. It was a splendid feeling indeed. The poem -- "Mingled" The sky feels gloomy, And so do I; The earth feels sullen, And so do I; The leaves feel dry, And so do I; The birds feel sick, And so do I; The rain feels husbandry, And so do I in cheer; Awaiting the divine heraldry, I'm mingled with Nature sheer. The keywords to the entire poem "Mingled" Poem, mingled, sky feels gloomy, so do I, earth feels sullen, leaves feel d

Our Mother Nature

The poem "Our Mother Nature" in a nutshell Nature is our mother, for sure. If we look after her, she will take care of us all. Her fullness, stillness, and calmness echo in our soul. She is indeed lenient to us, for we are her children. However, at times, she becomes malignant. She then as if rebukes and punishes our disobedience. Hence, we are supposed to abide by her laws. Only then she will abide with us always. The poem-- "Our Mother Nature" Nature is full; Nature is calm; Nature is still; She echoes our soul. If we love her indeed, She does reflect our mood; She is the manifestation Of the Supreme Soul. She is our lenient mother; At times, she is malignant; We should abide by her laws; O, abide with us, Mother. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, mother nature, nature, full, calm, still, echoes our soul, love indeed, reflect our mood, manifestation, Supreme Soul, lenient mother, at times, ma


The story behind the poem It was a cloudy afternoon. I was gazing at the dark west sky. I came to behold that the entire sky was not dark; there was a few silver linings too. This gave me an idea to build up a thought that darkness and light walk hand in hand with each other. Milk or the "Milk of Paradise" or ambrosia and gall or poison, rise and fall, ebb and tide, produce a dappled experience in human lives. The birds flutter their wings to return to their nests after the day's work. A rain at the hand produces plenteous joys in every heart. The poem-- "Stillness" Milk and gall! Rise and fall! Such thoughts do arise; Behold the dappled skies. Their fluttering sound Fills up the mind profound. Why is everything so still? Will a storm work and fill? A rain is in the offing; Banish baseless bickering By all of us; Why feel so harsh? What we give is what we gain --- Joy for joy and pain for pain.


The poem in a nutshell In the modern age, it is hardly found that anyone is suffused with mental peace completely. Even though life is full of ebb and tide, and ups and downs, even though we are aware of these things all the time, we cannot usually accept the inevitable truths. As a result, we face psychic fall. Again, we are aware of the fact that variety is the spice of life. That is to say, in Nature herself, we can find the very variety -- from the sea to the hill. Nothing can be still. Everything is full of change. After all, change is the only constant thing in the world. Therefore, we should try to remain still and calm. Although water bodies drag more water from the world, although the rich become richer and the poor poorer due to the vicious cycle of poverty, we should stay calm and composed, instead of clamouring that "Variety is the spice of life" is a verbal issue full of lies alone. The poem-- "Variety"