
Showing posts with the label short story


Reunion Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Hans. He was ten years old. Hans was the only child of his parents who loved him a lot. Hans was a very cheerful boy. He was just like a pure flower. No matter what happened, the boy used to be in a joyous mood each moment. Sometimes, he used to whistle like the twittering birds. Sometimes, the boy used to sing with an open heart. Moreover, he was really very fond of the glimpses of fairs where he could have lots of amusement. On such a day, he went to visit the fairground with his parents. It was an excellent time for all of them. The roller-coaster was the main attraction there. Everything was going on smoothly and happily. But such things did not last long. Suddenly, Hans’ father could feel that his son’s fingers slipped away from his hands. Out of nervousness, Hans’ father looked for him all around himself. Alas! He could not even hear the voice of Hans. Hans’ father told his mother everything that had happened. Both the

Amanda, the Artist

  Amanda, the Artist Since her early childhood, Amanda was brought up listening to the songs of Jackson. In fact, she became a great fan of the legendary artist in course of time. Every time she listened to his voice, she used to speak to herself silently, “Oh, God! I wish I too had such a sweet voice. I wish I too could become a good artist like him.” Thus, she kept on dreaming. Time rolled away. She is now a girl of nineteen years of age. However, her dream did never get rolled away along with the passage of time. The only difference between the past and the present is that now she has become a passionate singer with rigorous practice and with heartfelt love for music. In the meantime, the sudden obituary of Jackson turned her pale. After all, he was the one and only role model in her life. She became so disheartened that she broke down from time to time, sometimes in silence, sometimes before others. However, her passion for music was pure indeed. She never gave up singing, fo