
Showing posts with the label haiku poems

Lone (Haiku)

The poem “Lone” in a nutshell Human life, every now and then, looks for a company. In the haiku “Lone”, the speaker persona of the poem states that the clear sky above, the ridge mingling with the sea gifts him / her a company. Yes, it is true that human life relies upon our aspects or outlook at life. Still, sometimes we feel lonesome. However, we can get sure that we might feel lonesome apparently, but actually, our Mother Nature is always with us. She is there to accompany us always. We might have grown old. However, we have not grown up, perchance, still. When we are under the veil of our Mother Nature’s affectionate love and tender care, nothing in this world has the power to make us lonesome. The title of the poem has been given from an ironic point of view. Or is it just the opposite? Is it that the child of the Mother is growing up to find out a worthy companion for himself / herself? The poem -- "Lone" -- a haiku The clear sky abo