
Showing posts with the label Poet

False Poets (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “False Poets” Once, I was going through Peter’s Epistles, both first and second, in the New Testament . I came to know, or should I say, I came to learn the existence of false prophets. These prophets endeavour to establish the religious orthodoxy without any morale or without any moral standpoint. They try to contaminate the religious beliefs with lots and lots of hypocrisy. However, suddenly, a thought struck my brain that if poets are called prophets, this statement can be applicable in case of the poets also. That is to say, there are many poets, also known as prophets, who claim to be really full of, abundant with foresight, insight and so on and so forth. But are we all true poets, for sure? This question applies to my case also. Not only that, but also this same question is applicable in case of each and every poet too. The basic prophetic vision is symptomatic of modesty, truthfulness and honesty. Hypocrisy and lecturing will ad

Poem and Child (Quotation)

The poetic quotation -- "Poem and Child" A poet gives birth to a poem, Just as a mother gives birth to a child. The child looks after its mother When it becomes grown; So, does a poem take care of its poet, When it becomes well known. A few words Poetic composition is a creative process just like the process of giving birth to a child. A mother has to undergo the labour pain before giving birth to her child. Similarly, a poet, too, has to undergo, at least, a few moments of great pangs for the creation of his / her poem. Let us remember Percy Bysshe Shelley's words in To A Skylark : "Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought." In its infancy, the mother takes care of the child with intense love and tenderness. Similarly, a poet takes care of his / her creation. However, afterwards, the child looks after his / her mother, when he / she is grown up. Likewise, a poem looks after its poet when