
Showing posts with the label Monsoon

Benediction of the Monsoon in Kolkata

The prose -- "Benediction of Monsoon in Kolkata" Just as and when all the persons of Kolkata become scorched in the blistering sunbeams during the dreadful season of summer, just as and when, they keep praying to the omnipotent Lord for a drop of rain to drench their dry lips, the monsoon arrives in the arid territory just like a divine angel to shower her benediction over all and sundry. At such a blissful moment, it does never seem to be impossible to the people to bid adieu to the woeful bygone days, in order to usher in a new era of hope, trust, weal, life and production. The heavy rain beating on the cracked ground, regaling everyone, irrespective of man’s social status, grows more paddies on the lawns, implying the emblematic truth of life. Taking the guise of a verdant ocean, the fields provide the peasants with utmost glee in the remote, rural areas of West Bengal, alongside gifting complete liberty and mirth to the re