
Showing posts with the label stolen identity


  The poem in a nutshell In this world of variety, we are assigned a number of works. We need to play different roles in this drama called Life. What is more, in the midst of various roles and responsibilities allotted to us, we hardly get a chance to meet ourselves, to have a talk with our within, our inner voice. We are prone to, or should we say, we are burdened to hide our actual selves. Time has come when we should act positive. Our positivism and the revelation of our actual identity can transform us from the core. Yes, surely, we require self-transformation. Identityless In the midst of a thousand works, Full of empty and juggling jerks, I fear to forget who I am; Am I pure or am I sham? “Who’s this?” I sometimes wonder; Amidst manifold tasks, I squander. I lose my identity; Amidst pressure and gravity, I lose my spirit, I lose life’s tidbit; Where is life, for sure? Do I care? Do I cure? I lose my entity, my entity In the midst of millions of iden