
Showing posts with the label Haiku


A few words before reading the poem 'Determination': The way to success is too tough. There will be tears, there must be rocks, there is supposed to be thorns and there will naturally be fiery criticism all through the journey. Such barkings must never sidetrack us at all. We must remain determined through and through. In this regard, it ought to be noted that we all must undergo all such ordeals to be seasoned in course of time. Let not anyone try to tear you down. Instead, let their claws be shattered into pieces. Gain this much strength in you, no matter what. None can, henceforth, or none will even ever dare to try to demean you. Why? It is so because they will know that you are not going to heed any of them at all. All such things can be gained from your sheer determination. The poem 'Determination' Dogs shall keep barking; Still, never let them vex you; It's your life, for sure. You may like to read all of my blogs:


  A few words The word ‘deception’ is about to be too clichéd very soon. We speak a lot about being betrayed, being deceived, being cheated, being lied to, being duped, and so on and so forth. It feels as if ‘impostors’ are about to be rewarded because of being nominated by our feeble selves every now and then. Yes, surely, this world nowadays has become full of negativity. Still, the burning question is still in being: “Who can deceive us unless we take that into account?” People can try to deceive us, for sure. It is the order of the day as well. Still, why should we permit ourselves to be deceived? That is probably the greatest deception ever found. It is easy to blame someone else; it is comfortable to pass the buck, isn’t it? Well, the fundamental problem lies in ourselves, in our within. Who can deceive us if we stay strong and stout both from inside and outside? Nevertheless, we cannot possibly deny that it is our brutal selves that deceive us actually. Why? This is so because

Bleed to Succeed

  A few words about the poem Bleed to Succeed It is easy, very easy to say, but it is that much hard to do. We do judge others, we do criticise them and we hurl fiery, sometimes obscene comments to all save ourselves. Yes, it is extremely easy to question, but it is that much difficult and challenging to answer. Sometimes, when we, in a sense of derogation, ask someone a question, thinking that we would be the kings and the queens by trying to belittle the addressee, we must get sure that it takes a lot of guts on the part of the answerer, and apart from that, as and when we get the unexpected response from that person whom we wanted to demean, we can’t stay sane anymore. That is to say, right then, we, as if, console ourselves with the stupidest solace of being ‘lucky’ and ‘unlucky’. What does hinder us then to accept the fact that success needs a lot of hard work? The following poem tries to give the fundamental idea of the way to success. The poem—“Bleed to Succeed” The way to s

The Best Moment

  A few words about the poem The Best Moment There have been a lot of talks and a lot of endeavours to attain perfection throughout all the ages. Yes, we all do have the right to think as we can and to work as we please. Of course, that is our personal choice that varies from person to person. Still, it must be noted that human beings made of flesh and blood lacks the quality of perfection. Surely, the notion of ‘perfection’ is an illusion in the strictest sense of the term. Wait! There’s nothing as such that we have to become so disheartened or so demotivated about. Instead, let’s accept all our imperfections. The sooner we realise the fact, the better, and the better our minds get acclimatised, the harder we learn to work. In the course of the process, we can become smarter. However, there is no need to think that we are about to go in vain. Actually, we all are imperfect, yet ‘perfect’ in our own way. The following poem is written in this penchant. I hope that you’ll enjoy i

Eternal Call (Haiku)

Objective of writing a haiku A haiku is a poem of three lines. The first line contains five syllables; the second line comprises seven syllables and the third or the final line is composed of five syllables again. We need to make our point clear within this short canvas. So, I thought it must be challenging to attempt writing a haiku. Haiku hails from Japanese origin. Within this brief limit, we need to complete expressing our entire thoughts and emotions in a compact manner. I personally believe that it is more difficult to write a haiku than to write any other poem. However, most of my haikus gained recognition on Actually, I have included all those haikus here in my blog as well so that a wide variety of readers may get the pleasure to read a few simple haikus. Broadly speaking, it is plentiful pleasure on my part in writing a haiku in a challenging way. I hope that you enjoy this haiku which has been written below. The poem

In front of the Sea (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “In front of the Sea” The sea with his roar created a candid commotion inside my heavy heart. I could not but get mingled with the rhythm of the roaring melody of the endless sea. It suddenly reminded me of the fact of Coleridge’s notion that the rhythm of Nature gets identified with the vibration of the human soul. All this was inevitable to me. They were enjoyable also. This poem tries to maintain that the identification of human soul with Nature repetitively makes us recall that we are not alienated from Nature; we are rather very much in Nature. If we love Nature, she will never betray us. Broadly speaking, she is our mother who is merciful as well as malignant. That is to say, when we disobey our Mother Nature, she punishes us with her claws. They might seem treasonous to us, but they are actually not so. They are actually nothing but our very punishments that we all indeed deserve most of the times. The poem -- &q

The Best Poem (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “The Best Poem” All of us are well aware of the fact that the procedure of giving birth to a child is not a cakewalk. A mother has to undergo her labour pain for the sake of this task. Have you seen or have you ever imagined the scene of a volcanic eruption? Have you given it a thought? If we ponder over this matter, we will come to realise that such volcanic eruption is nothing else as well.That is to say, our Mother Earth erupts out the magma in the form of lava from her very womb. Similarly, poetic composition is a procedure just like that. A poet, just like a mother or like a volcano, when becomes heavily burdened of a thought or a pensive feeling, he / she creates a poem out of the labour pain. It is to be noted that as and when we feel the labour pain before a poetic composition, we can bring the best out of ourselves. The poem -- "The Best Poem" -- a haiku To pen a good poem, Do you feel the labour pain?

Lone (Haiku)

The poem “Lone” in a nutshell Human life, every now and then, looks for a company. In the haiku “Lone”, the speaker persona of the poem states that the clear sky above, the ridge mingling with the sea gifts him / her a company. Yes, it is true that human life relies upon our aspects or outlook at life. Still, sometimes we feel lonesome. However, we can get sure that we might feel lonesome apparently, but actually, our Mother Nature is always with us. She is there to accompany us always. We might have grown old. However, we have not grown up, perchance, still. When we are under the veil of our Mother Nature’s affectionate love and tender care, nothing in this world has the power to make us lonesome. The title of the poem has been given from an ironic point of view. Or is it just the opposite? Is it that the child of the Mother is growing up to find out a worthy companion for himself / herself? The poem -- "Lone" -- a haiku The clear sky abo

Short Life (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Short Life” Human life is extremely short, for sure. A moment that is lost is lost forever. Hence, why do we engage ourselves in vain feuds that scar our precious lives? The problem is at the very root of our minds. Instead of trying to keep up the good relationships with one another, we clamour for “It’s mine”. The very fact that we are too selfish and possessive should not be overlooked in this context. In the vain fights against one another, we scarcely care for the fact that time flies away in the twinkling of an eye. Time is time that never cares for anyone at all. Hence, we must make the most out of time. This life is ours. Therefore, the choice is ours too how we should live like. Should we live like a hypocrite? Or should we live in the right track of virtue? The decision is ours completely. Human relationships is such a lovely aspect that we must never look down upon. So, let us all live life up to the last dregs. The poem -- &quo

The Obituary (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Obituary” It is easy to say that man is mortal. However, it becomes that much difficult to accept that saying as and when we come to face such a consequence on our part. Likewise, I came to hear the heavy news of the sudden death of my teacher one day. I cannot tell why even now I cannot accept that obituary. Yes, death is such a notion that turns all our efforts, all our feuds etc. fatuous in the wink of an eye. Everything seems nothing but a pure mundane mockery indeed. Death proves this fact to the utmost. We clamour saying “It’s mine”, but all such fights become fruitless and meaningless in the terrible jaws of death. The claws of death snatch away our all in a blink. We have to stay prepared, therefore, always that the call may come any day to us. Without shouting and screaming for false matters, we should, hence, try to stay inclined to the actual matter of love and peace in our lives. The poem -- "The Obituary" -- a h

Try Again (Haiku)

The poem “Try Again” in a nutshell This poem has been written from a motivational point of view. It can be discerned that after a few attempts, we become weary. We then give up trying again for the same job. However, we should never forget the story of Robert Bruce. Whatever happens gives us a lesson, an everlasting lesson, provided we open the door of our receptive minds to accord that lesson a ready welcome. It is a shame to those people who try to overpower us, because they do not know the true meaning of life at all. They are actually none other than hypocrites. They say one thing, they do the other. Therefore, they are nothing but the garbage of the society. What we have to do is to filter the good things out of the entirety in life. Again, we can derive a positive conclusion from a negative thing or aspect too. That is to say, we ourselves need to stay positive. Yes, optimism can make all things possible. The poem -- "Try Again" -- a haiku Never

Lesson from the Rain (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Lesson from the Rain” Yes, sometimes we laugh away the trivial matters saying that they have no value at all. However, this should be noted that trivial things lead to perfection. “Little drops of water/ Little grains of sand/ make the mighty ocean/ And the pleasant land.” So, what we come to notice is the life force of puny objects in this regard. Whatever or whoever is belittled, will come out to light one very day. Because of our arrogance and envy, we belittle others. However, when that puny object or tiny person takes a voluminous shape, we run away at that time. This is evident from the pitter-patter of the raindrops. They slowly but surely take turn to cats and dogs rain. Hence, without demeaning someone or something, we should always try to honour every living creature. Nobody knows which divine force is underlying in whom. Therefore, we should always try to learn from everyone or from everything. Every little thing can be the source

Earthy Scent (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “Earthy Scent” It was a sultry and stuffy summer afternoon. We all were yearning for a drop of rain. Suddenly, there was a miracle. Yes, it was raining indeed. Oh! What divine peace! The pitter-patter started. All on a sudden, it began to give off a sodden earthy smell. It was like divine bliss. The smell was so pleasing that my heart leapt up in utmost delight. However, it was a novelty. Broadly speaking, whenever it rains, whenever it thunders, whenever it storms, our hearts get filled with awe. Why? This is so because they are ever-novel. Natural beauty can never tire our eyes. They are always new. They are eternally new. However, we need to seek the novelty with our open arms and with our open minds. If we keep our minds wide open, they will keep coming to us forever. We have to accord a ready welcome to every natural phenomenon. We are nothing but mundane creatures. Still, we get back what we give: joy for joy and pain for pain.

The Dark West Sky (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Dark West Sky” It was a cloudy afternoon. Clouds were getting heaped upon one another to form a lull before the storm. Everything was calm, composed and quiet. It was evident that a violent storm would be in the offing. Just as a military attack is preceded by a calm atmosphere, too calm indeed, as is observed in Spring Offensive by Wilfred Owen, such was the sky in that very afternoon. It was totally dark in the dark western horizon. Rain was coming at hand. Hence, the speaker persona in this haiku prays to the Lord for a shower to wash away every pain, to wash away each stain and stigma from this society. If a miracle happens some day or the other, it will perchance be preceded by a natural phenomenon. The rain is one such example. Yes, the rain, for sure, has the power to wash away the tears, to wash away the fears from the human eyes, from the human hearts. Let us all welcome rain cordially. The poem -- "The Da

Divine Answer (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Divine Answer” The poem “Divine Answer” depicts God’s probable answers found from the atmosphere. We pray to God, but we blame that He never does answer. Actually, the matter is totally different. Whenever we pray to Him, we just need to keep our souls and our hearts wide open so that we can listen to and so that we can receive His answer through various means. You can notice that if we pray with a cordial and an open heart, God is bound to answer us. He is our Divine Father. Can a Father turn His face away from His children? Yes, sometimes we might have to be tested, we feel awkward in tricky situations, but that does never mean that God is not answering us. He is everywhere. We should just turn our faces to His divinity. He is there to redeem us, to save us every now and then. But do we dare, do we care, do we prefer to receive His answer by listening to Him with an open heart? The poem -- "Divine Answer" -- a h

False Poets (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “False Poets” Once, I was going through Peter’s Epistles, both first and second, in the New Testament . I came to know, or should I say, I came to learn the existence of false prophets. These prophets endeavour to establish the religious orthodoxy without any morale or without any moral standpoint. They try to contaminate the religious beliefs with lots and lots of hypocrisy. However, suddenly, a thought struck my brain that if poets are called prophets, this statement can be applicable in case of the poets also. That is to say, there are many poets, also known as prophets, who claim to be really full of, abundant with foresight, insight and so on and so forth. But are we all true poets, for sure? This question applies to my case also. Not only that, but also this same question is applicable in case of each and every poet too. The basic prophetic vision is symptomatic of modesty, truthfulness and honesty. Hypocrisy and lecturing will ad

To a Phoenix (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “To a Phoenix” We are aware of the fact that a phoenix is a symbol of immortality. This kind of mythical bird gets itself burnt into ashes. However, right then, it emerges once again from the hot ashes. It refers to the immortal beings. It has a slight penchant to Jesus Christ as well who had the Resurrection on the third day after His Crucifixion. In this haiku, the speaker persona direly desires to be half like the bird. It is an earnest prayer to the Almighty obliquely as well. This poem alludes to the last stanzas of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s To A Skylark , in which the bird is a symbol of immortality, blitheness, eternal joy, and so on and so forth. In that poem by Shelley too, we come across a prayer by the speaker persona of the poem to the bird symptomatic of divinity. In the current poem called “To a Phoenix”, the speaker desperately prays for immortality which is nothing but a mirage on part of the speaker, since he / she is made of f

Eternal Change (Haiku)

The thought behind the haiku “Eternal Change” Nothing but change is the only constant thing in this world. Likewise, we notice that the daytime is rules by the sun. However, at night, the moon climbs up the mountain to replace the ruler. Yes, “acceptance is the key to be truly free”. So, the sooner we learn how to accept the same with our heart, the better progress we can make. After the completion of the entire day’s work, the sun bids us farewell for the day that he would come again on the next day. Then the milky moon climbs up the sky as if it is her rule the entire night. The mountain is the canvas; it is the general canvas behind which the changing visions are visualized every now and then. It is a fact that change will take place sooner or later. What is good and helpful today may not be so tomorrow. That is to say, everything relies upon the fact of relativity. Thus, the world keeps on turning. The poem -- "Eternal Change" -- a haiku

The Bleeding Earth (Haiku)

The story behind the haiku “Bleeding Earth” We were born on this earth with a view to live a peaceful life. Still, nowadays, our life is becoming more and more venomous day by day. However, if we examine this matter, we will come to find that the very problem lies at the very root of our civilization. Yes, we are modern, we are civilized, we are cultured, but have we ever thought how cruel-hearted we all are? We can stab one another with a spontaneous smile. An animal can be assessed to be less cruel than a human being. Actually, needless to mention, an animal is disgraced when it is compared with a human being. That is to say, the next step of action of an animal can be easily guessed as and when we come to notice its present step of action. Be it domestic, be it wild, it is needed to be mentioned that animals are truly far kinder than us. Moreover, this is evident from the pandemic situations like Corona or COVID- 19 even more severely. The poem -- "The B

Eternal Bliss (Haiku)

The thought behind the short poem “Eternal Bliss” In a rainy twilight, the sky was completely full of hues of the setting sun, say, yellow, orange, red, purple, violet and so on and so forth. It was a blissful experience. Right then, a shower began pouring all over city. Every drop of shower appeared to be golden in tint. It felt as if they were nothing but golden “honeydew” falling from the sky. The term “honeydew” appears in the last few lines of the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. However, if we try indeed to find natural beauty for enjoying to our hearts’ content, Nature never does feel husbandry to satisfy our thirst. Nature loves us truly. We are the disobedient children. If we love her back, just imagine, how much blessed we all will become. There is beauty everywhere. We need to grab them with our thirsty eyes. If we feel the thirst indeed, Nature is there, for sure, to quench our hunger, to quench our thirst eternally. The p