
Showing posts with the label omnipotent

Eternal Call (Haiku)

Objective of writing a haiku A haiku is a poem of three lines. The first line contains five syllables; the second line comprises seven syllables and the third or the final line is composed of five syllables again. We need to make our point clear within this short canvas. So, I thought it must be challenging to attempt writing a haiku. Haiku hails from Japanese origin. Within this brief limit, we need to complete expressing our entire thoughts and emotions in a compact manner. I personally believe that it is more difficult to write a haiku than to write any other poem. However, most of my haikus gained recognition on Actually, I have included all those haikus here in my blog as well so that a wide variety of readers may get the pleasure to read a few simple haikus. Broadly speaking, it is plentiful pleasure on my part in writing a haiku in a challenging way. I hope that you enjoy this haiku which has been written below. The poem

Divine Answer (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Divine Answer” The poem “Divine Answer” depicts God’s probable answers found from the atmosphere. We pray to God, but we blame that He never does answer. Actually, the matter is totally different. Whenever we pray to Him, we just need to keep our souls and our hearts wide open so that we can listen to and so that we can receive His answer through various means. You can notice that if we pray with a cordial and an open heart, God is bound to answer us. He is our Divine Father. Can a Father turn His face away from His children? Yes, sometimes we might have to be tested, we feel awkward in tricky situations, but that does never mean that God is not answering us. He is everywhere. We should just turn our faces to His divinity. He is there to redeem us, to save us every now and then. But do we dare, do we care, do we prefer to receive His answer by listening to Him with an open heart? The poem -- "Divine Answer" -- a h

Prayer to the Precious Lord

The poem in a nutshell In this poem named "Prayer to the Precious Lord", the speaker persona has desperately prayed to the Lord to provide him / her with constant competence. Yes, even though one may have graphomania, one might face the writer's block at some point of time in one's life. None but the Lord can redeem us from such a distress. "Knock and the door shall be opened." Here the speaker persona makes an earnest prayer to the Lord for His benediction. Also, a broad mind or a golden heart has been asked for from the Lord. Only God can hold us all firm and fast in reality. The poem -- "Prayer to the Precious Lord" When I'm invaded by writer's block, At my door, You are there to give a knock. Give me the strength, The broad mental length To open the door right then. From above will every citizen Sing Your hymn, dear Lord. Hold me firm, O, God. The Keywords Poem, Prayer to the precious Lord

The Burning Sun

The story behind the poem It was a summer afternoon. I was standing on the roof facing the fading sun. I stood still feeling his warmth all over my body. My face was lit up with his light and warmth. At that time, the sun seemed to outshine more, even more than usual. I hailed the Creation of God all at once. However, abruptly, my soul was lit up as if I could hear the melodious sound of the wind around me. It reminded me of the fact that Moses, too, was standing still in front of the burning bush in the Book of Exodus . They suddenly flashed upon my vision. I cried out, "Hallelujah! I have found you at last." Thereafter, a gentle peace felt injected within me as I was almost numb then. The poem-- "The Burning Sun" I stood still and the sun outshone As if God whispered into my ears Through His creation all at once. I felt as if I was Moses in front of The burning bush. Hallelujah! What pure peace came up W

In Heaven

The poem "In Heaven" in a nutshell Have you ever wondered how you would feel and reciprocate the divine love? Of course, we cannot have any direct experience to that. Still, we can imagine that. As a result of our imagination, we can feel as if we are in heaven. Such an attempt has been taken by the speaker persona in this poem. However, it is indeed a blissful experience.  Anyway, let us all have a pleasure reading. I hope, you all will enjoy this little poem to your hearts' content. I believe that you would feel the oneness with my feelings and emotions as well. Therein will lie the success of this simple poem. The poem -- "In Heaven" The fragrance of the path familiar Lit my heart like a chandelier; It drew away my plight, After my lifelong fight. I'm no more the same; Life's just a game; It's over now. I wonder how I came over all of it; Now only divine tidbit! The distressed heart fe