
Showing posts with the label Philosophical

Cosmic Lessons

The poem "Cosmic Lessons" in a nutshell The cosmic creation is an automation of order, the cosmic order. If we look at Nature carefully, we can come to learn so many lessons, for sure. Each and everything is happening in an order, in the cosmic order, that gives us a lesson, the cosmic lesson. As and when we cling to or we do pursue our positive passions, we feel a joy that is of creative kind. Without pausing, without ceasing, we should nurture, we should garner our passion to fructify it into reality. People will always be there to taunt and instigate us, but we need to stay persistent to feel the jolly joy and to succeed in life. The poem—“Cosmic Lessons” The snow-capped mountains, The murmuring fountains, The golden dazzle, The hard hazel, The fluttering birds, The returning herds – All tell me one thing, “You do have to cling To your positive passion, Though others create instigation, For the world’s in a flow, Ju

Our Actual Identity

The poem in a nutshell This poem is written from a spiritual angle. At the outset, there is a set of questions. However, later on, we come to find that all those questions have been answered by the speaker persona of the poem. Therefore, the question portion may be looked upon as a person's ignorant state of mind, while the later answer part depicts his / her deeper realisation. The poem -- "Our Actual Identity" Who am I? Who are you? Wherefrom do I come? Which place is this? Where will I go? Why do we fight? For sheer sham fright? For premeditated position? What’s that? How long will it last? We are none, we are nobody But the divided parts Of the Supreme Soul; We are the divided bread-loaves. We will have to go There where we come from; We have come here, on this Transient playhouse to prove, Prove how we can perform. We get involved in this World’s illusions, mirages, That will n

Divine Answer (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Divine Answer” The poem “Divine Answer” depicts God’s probable answers found from the atmosphere. We pray to God, but we blame that He never does answer. Actually, the matter is totally different. Whenever we pray to Him, we just need to keep our souls and our hearts wide open so that we can listen to and so that we can receive His answer through various means. You can notice that if we pray with a cordial and an open heart, God is bound to answer us. He is our Divine Father. Can a Father turn His face away from His children? Yes, sometimes we might have to be tested, we feel awkward in tricky situations, but that does never mean that God is not answering us. He is everywhere. We should just turn our faces to His divinity. He is there to redeem us, to save us every now and then. But do we dare, do we care, do we prefer to receive His answer by listening to Him with an open heart? The poem -- "Divine Answer" -- a h

An Appeal

The thought behind the poem The increasing toll of death is too much, too hard for anyone to bear with. Corona is extending its perilous paws, its tantalising tongue here and there, to and fro. It is as if a monster like Grendel has invaded this earth to make it a favourite food. However, have we ever pondered upon the question why such things are taking place? Does it not seem to all of us that this earth has become overbrimmed with sins, with ill deeds, with ill thoughts, with ill intents and so on and so forth? Does it not appear like this that nature is offended with the human beings? All can be solved, provided we can love mankind, provided we can love Nature, provided we love every creature on this earth. each and every creature has a right to live. Of course, we cannot monopolise for too long on this earth. Our monopoly will give birth to some others' monopoly, as and when we might face several disasters. Not prayer alone, not heaven above, but human lo

Depending on Time

The thought behind this little poem People will come in every human life one after another, but the time is limited to the utmost. Time will never come back. It flies away in a wink. Life is full of change. Therefore, change will come every now and then. Ups and downs in life constitute the change and its notion. People will criticise you, people will criticise me, people will criticise all of us, be it in the front or be it at our back. So, it is better not to retaliate. Let the time come when you ought to be proven that your thoughts were right in the past, when they had laughed at you. It is easy to disapprove of a work, but it is that much hard and arduous to prove oneself in that domain. So, it is always better to stay silent, since time will give them the best answer. Yes, it will be proven that their thoughts were diurnal while yours eternal. The poem -- "Depending on Time" People will come; Time will go; Change will come; Time will

Rise Again

The poem in a nutshell Here the speaker addresses a listener who has hardened his / her heart. As a result, the speaker feels mournful. His / Her heart feels full of gore, since it falls "upon the thorns of life" to "bleed". However, constant knocking at the door will open it one day, for sure, when you will behold the true light. The speaker plaintively says that one day, the constant knocking at the door will edify the listener how to be outspoken and extrovert. Since the listener is over-introvert, he / she is unable even to hum. The sun will rise up, for sure, to melt the ice. It may take a little more time; still, get sure that the ice will get melted one day. How long can a human being stay stone cold? The trauma functions as the Plague of Flies in the Book of Exodus . However, after each Marah, there will be an Elim. In other words, after the painful days, you will surely find divine and utmost bliss in life. So, just hold on and endure

Life's Treasure

The poem "Life's Treasure"  in a nutshell This poem contains one question and one answer to that same question. The question has been asked in this way: "Where do I find / Life's hidden treasure?" So, here the word 'treasure' never does refer to some wealth and gems. It rather refers to the essence of life, the very philosophy of life itself. The person to whom the question has been asked has not been mentioned. Is the person a saint? Or is He God Himself? However, the answer is not clearly given. Still, if we delve deep, we can easily find out the answer. The answer lies purely in the couple of words "mingled measure". These two words can be traced back to the poem Kubla Khan  by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. "Mingled measure" refers to the equal share of life here. That is to say, we all shall get equal weal and woe, equal joy and sorrow and so on and so forth. The poem -- "Life's Treasure&qu

Like a Burning Candle

The poem in a nutshell An artist is like a burning candle. A candle has to burn itself down up to the last breath to produce light in the entire atmosphere. Likewise, an artist, a creator has to pour out his / her everything down into the creation to make it enjoyable to the world. Each and every person is a creative artist in some way or the other. Until and unless we burn ourselves down like a candle, we will have no value of our own. So, we have to produce up to the last lees of the glass of life. An artist has been given the responsibility to not only inform but also to transform people. So, he / she has to work up to the last breath in his / her life. The poem-- "Like a  Burning Candle" Like a burning candle, Lighting up its surroundings To the last flame of fire, An artist needs to Pour down everything To the last lees To enlighten the world, To inform the people, To try to transform them, By knocking at the door

The Burning Sun

The story behind the poem It was a summer afternoon. I was standing on the roof facing the fading sun. I stood still feeling his warmth all over my body. My face was lit up with his light and warmth. At that time, the sun seemed to outshine more, even more than usual. I hailed the Creation of God all at once. However, abruptly, my soul was lit up as if I could hear the melodious sound of the wind around me. It reminded me of the fact that Moses, too, was standing still in front of the burning bush in the Book of Exodus . They suddenly flashed upon my vision. I cried out, "Hallelujah! I have found you at last." Thereafter, a gentle peace felt injected within me as I was almost numb then. The poem-- "The Burning Sun" I stood still and the sun outshone As if God whispered into my ears Through His creation all at once. I felt as if I was Moses in front of The burning bush. Hallelujah! What pure peace came up W


The poem in a nutshell In the modern age, it is hardly found that anyone is suffused with mental peace completely. Even though life is full of ebb and tide, and ups and downs, even though we are aware of these things all the time, we cannot usually accept the inevitable truths. As a result, we face psychic fall. Again, we are aware of the fact that variety is the spice of life. That is to say, in Nature herself, we can find the very variety -- from the sea to the hill. Nothing can be still. Everything is full of change. After all, change is the only constant thing in the world. Therefore, we should try to remain still and calm. Although water bodies drag more water from the world, although the rich become richer and the poor poorer due to the vicious cycle of poverty, we should stay calm and composed, instead of clamouring that "Variety is the spice of life" is a verbal issue full of lies alone. The poem-- "Variety"

In Heaven

The poem "In Heaven" in a nutshell Have you ever wondered how you would feel and reciprocate the divine love? Of course, we cannot have any direct experience to that. Still, we can imagine that. As a result of our imagination, we can feel as if we are in heaven. Such an attempt has been taken by the speaker persona in this poem. However, it is indeed a blissful experience.  Anyway, let us all have a pleasure reading. I hope, you all will enjoy this little poem to your hearts' content. I believe that you would feel the oneness with my feelings and emotions as well. Therein will lie the success of this simple poem. The poem -- "In Heaven" The fragrance of the path familiar Lit my heart like a chandelier; It drew away my plight, After my lifelong fight. I'm no more the same; Life's just a game; It's over now. I wonder how I came over all of it; Now only divine tidbit! The distressed heart fe

Hold On

The poem in a nutshell This poem advocates the virtue of human persistence. Unless and until we know how to hold on, we can never gain success in life. Yes, we have to go through many tumultuous phases in life, but that does never means that we will never find good days in life. 'Marah' is a biblical term; so is 'Elim'. We come across these two names of places in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament. So, just as 'Marah' stands for bitterness or unhappy moments or hardships in life, 'Elim' represents sweetness, happiness or success in one's life. We need to hold on to behold the Elim after the Marah. For example, after this lockdown, after the cessation of COVID-19, we all will definitely behold a bright new day. That day is yet to come. We have to wait till such time. Yes, patience is bitter but its fruits are sweet. The poem --"Hold On" Hold on, hold on! After such a Marah Will come an

Time to Pretend

The poem in a nutshell Sometimes life feels so stagnant that we feel frustrated. As usual, people around us keep us teasing and taunting. This definitely adds insult to our injury. A feeling of ennui becomes apparent at the forefront. What can we do then? In order to avoid the ill treatments from our surrounding people, we have to pretend. We cannot let them guess our actual state, in fact. The poem -- "Time to Pretend" When life gets stationary Like a mossy stone,  When time feels like A claustrophobic cul-de-sac,  When people pelt stones at you Like a pack of snarling stray-dogs,  It is felt that we must pretend;  Aye, it's time to pretend,  For, being unmasked, you can't Survive in the midst of An unruly mob of Masked people with The same visages. Hence, all must pretend;  It's time to pretend. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, time to pretend, life gets stationary, mo

The Essence of Life

The poem -- "The Essence of Life" The azure canopy hung from above Whispers into our ears of Divine Love. How is it that all birds feel free,  When we, the humans, try to flee?  What is wrong, what is right,  Can't be gained when we fight;  If we learn from each trifle,  None can ever do us baffle,  For none is born perfect;  We all function like an insect,  As vile grips us in its fire,  Rendering us with ill desire. If we wish, we may learn;  From each naive thing, we may earn Wisdom rather than mere knowledge;  Without making a quest for privilege,  O Lord, can't we have divine wings?  One gains success when one clings To one's principle and aim. With the birds, let's be the same,  And one, and identical,  But never detrimental. We were born, we will die;  One day in dust we will lie. What is mortal, what is not?  One day all'll be brought to naught. Over-usage of eternity's to

What Can It Do?

The poem in a nutshell Nothing matters in human life, unless and until we know how to become a true human being. The poem -- "What Can It Do?" Fame? What can your fame do, Unless you be a real human being? Name? What can your name do, Unless you know how to love A helpless, hopeless living being? Recognition? What can it do, Unless you learn true forgiveness? Eminence? What can it do, Unless you help those, Who are struggling against utmost distress? Have you ever fancied, Who has brought you up? Have you ever fancied, Who has been your life’s guide-map? Performance? What can it do, Unless you show your gratitude To your benefactor? Eligibility? What can it do, Unless you perceive any kind of matter? Career? What can it do, Unless you stand beside the destitute? Leadership? What can it do, If nothing you can restitute? Optimism? What can it do, Unless you be a

The Truth

The poem --"The Truth" The truth is firm; It is always holy; It does never harm, But, is really Too pure To be neglected; So, get sure To be respected, By respecting others, And loving all as sisters and brothers. The truth is the power; It is inevitable; One can’t be a coward, If one is true and noble. Try to love all, By listening to Nature’s call; Don’t dishearten any, Not to receive woe from many In your future As thousands of preying vultures At a stage; Get relief from this haze. You may belong to another world, But your fantasy must be true; It may not be real in word, But must be true, according to you. Just interrogate yourself whether You yourself can be the master Of Truth, Meekness and Purity, And also Faith, Hope and Charity. The keywords to the poem Poem, truth, firm, holy, harm, pure, neglected, sure, respec


The poem --"Psyche" Imagine, how our psyche, Circulates the universe, Either being frustrated, Or being stimulated, by a curse. It alone is our power; It alone is our sinew; It alone creates itself, A most felicitating view. I hope, the whole tale, After an example would get clear, To usher in a new era of love, Driving away each tear. We know, in our society, There are so many destitute, Whom we look down upon with pity, But, can never restitute. They lack food, Clothes and shelter; But, truly, none we can ever Be their defender. Just see, they feel so happy, Even though, they lack so much Of earthly objects, but, are not greedy At all, for money as such. I opine, they lead a better life, Rather than that of us; And, we feel scared, When their talents gush. Then, all of us tease them, With parodies and taunts, Though, most ir