
Showing posts with the label real life

The Short Word (Haiku)

A few words As we see, ‘life’ is a four-letter word, a short word, for sure. No matter what the circumstances are, we, most of the time, fail to control our lives. Broadly speaking, there are certain things in the world, over which we have no control, no control at all. We fall victims to our crises. We raise a hue and cry, thinking then wondering, “How can this be possible? How did it happen? Such things were not meant to be so at all. How did everything slip off our hands?” Well, the truth is that we can never have complete control over anything permanently. In other words, we cannot control; we have to be controlled instead. Hence, the more we come to learn the fact, the better. Sometimes, it is quite natural to ponder on, “How can we cherish our freedom when we are under control?” None of us can be completely ‘free’ in the literal sense. However, that does not mean that we have to fit in the frame made by someone else. What we need to do is to get rid of our colonised mind. Why d

Life, a Boomerang

The thought behind the poem In the essay “Of Studies” by Francis Bacon, we come to discern an amazing statement: “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. I had gone through this statement a number of years ago. However, it became engraved in my heart forever. Since then, it resonates in my soul till date. Days went by, and I learnt it with my life by applying the lesson in reality. Yes, every action, for sure, has a definite, equal and opposite reaction. Good action produces good reaction and bad action gives bad fruit. That is why life has been depicted as a boomerang in the tiny poem below. I hope that you all enjoy this ordinary writing named “Life, a Boomerang”. Life, a Boomerang The more you write, The more ‘exact’ you will be; The more you fight, The more challenged you will be. The more you criticise, The more disgraced you will be; The more you optimise, The more esteemed you will be. Whatever we do o

The Obituary (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Obituary” It is easy to say that man is mortal. However, it becomes that much difficult to accept that saying as and when we come to face such a consequence on our part. Likewise, I came to hear the heavy news of the sudden death of my teacher one day. I cannot tell why even now I cannot accept that obituary. Yes, death is such a notion that turns all our efforts, all our feuds etc. fatuous in the wink of an eye. Everything seems nothing but a pure mundane mockery indeed. Death proves this fact to the utmost. We clamour saying “It’s mine”, but all such fights become fruitless and meaningless in the terrible jaws of death. The claws of death snatch away our all in a blink. We have to stay prepared, therefore, always that the call may come any day to us. Without shouting and screaming for false matters, we should, hence, try to stay inclined to the actual matter of love and peace in our lives. The poem -- "The Obituary" -- a h

Life's Treasure

The poem "Life's Treasure"  in a nutshell This poem contains one question and one answer to that same question. The question has been asked in this way: "Where do I find / Life's hidden treasure?" So, here the word 'treasure' never does refer to some wealth and gems. It rather refers to the essence of life, the very philosophy of life itself. The person to whom the question has been asked has not been mentioned. Is the person a saint? Or is He God Himself? However, the answer is not clearly given. Still, if we delve deep, we can easily find out the answer. The answer lies purely in the couple of words "mingled measure". These two words can be traced back to the poem Kubla Khan  by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. "Mingled measure" refers to the equal share of life here. That is to say, we all shall get equal weal and woe, equal joy and sorrow and so on and so forth. The poem -- "Life's Treasure&qu