The Cyclonic Night

The Poem--The Cyclonic Night

It's my maiden experience
Of an apocalyptic cyclone.
The doors here and there
Rattle again and again;
The trees get uprooted;
It is pouring like the world
Is about to face that day,
The very Day of Judgement.
The ruffled wind swells the sea,
As if a tsunami is in the offing.
The sky bursting down crying
Takes a fearsome look.
By God, for the first time ever,
Nature seems, the mother looks
So treasonous indeed to her core.
We unleashed our tyranny before;
Now as if it's her turn to ricochet.
Truly, this cyclone has taught me
The other aspect, the other side of
Our Nature-- so fierce, so uncaring,
So malign, so malevolent, and
So malignant, as if she never knew
Anything called 'mercy' -- that turns
My soul pale in fear, grey in tears.
The stereotypical ideas are getting
Challenged all in the twinkling of
An eye. The roaring cyclone as if
Is trying to engulf this world.
Even though people are indoors,
Since they were cautioned before,
The very fury of the storm is always
Perceptible. We are all smeared in
Drabness; the misty murk everywhere
Because of electrical supply breakdown
In such a cyclonic night add to the fear.

The keywords

Poem, cyclonic night, maiden experience, apocalyptic cyclone, doors, rattle, trees get uprooted, Day of Judgment, ruffled wind swells the sea, tsunami, sky bursting down crying, fearsome, first time, Nature, mother, treasonous, unleashed, tyranny, turn to ricochet, fierce, uncaring, malignant, malign, malevolent, mercy, pale in fear, grey, tears, stereotypical ideas, challenged, twinkling, roaring cyclone, engulf this world, indoors, cautioned, fury of the storm, perceptible, drabness, misty murk, electrical supply breakdown


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