Superman (Haiku series)

The poem “Superman” in a nutshell

This poem, a haiku series, has a penchant to draw self-sufficiency. There is a superman in each of us. What we need to do is to arouse that out of us from our within. We have a divine power within us. Yes, we have, for sure. We need to recognise that divine power from within. Actually, we ourselves are our own bosses. We love ourselves too much indeed. Hence, instead of being selfish, we should try to help ourselves in all walks of our lives. Sometimes, people break up and pine over the same. But this cannot be rational indeed. Why should we mourn over an impostor? Had he / she been our true friend, the treason would not have taken place probably. Time is too short to live. Hence, we must always make proper use of time. This life is ours. The choice is ours as well. It is up to us what we are going to do. Hence, should we not live to our hearts’ content?

The poem--"Superman"

I am my own boss;
I can be a superman;
I have my own strength.
I need not your help;
I can be a superman;
I can help myself.

You may break up now;
I can be a superman;
I'm enough to live.

You can go away;
I can be a superman;
I do love myself.

The keywords
Boss, superman, strength, help, help myself, break up, enough to live, go away, love myself


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