Benediction of the Monsoon in Kolkata

The prose -- "Benediction of Monsoon in Kolkata"

Just as and when all the persons of Kolkata become scorched in the blistering sunbeams during the dreadful season of summer, just as and when, they keep praying to the omnipotent Lord for a drop of rain to drench their dry lips, the monsoon arrives in the arid territory just like a divine angel to shower her benediction over all and sundry. At such a blissful moment, it does never seem to be impossible to the people to bid adieu to the woeful bygone days, in order to usher in a new era of hope, trust, weal, life and production.

The heavy rain beating on the cracked ground, regaling everyone, irrespective of man’s social status, grows more paddies on the lawns, implying the emblematic truth of life. Taking the guise of a verdant ocean, the fields provide the peasants with utmost glee in the remote, rural areas of West Bengal, alongside gifting complete liberty and mirth to the residents of the city.

However, sometimes due to incessant pouring of the raindrops, the urban region as well as its entire atmosphere faces a standstill; consequently, each of those grey but leisurely days are declared to be a ‘Rainy Day’ . Still, it has always been a celestial delight on our part to behold the children hop on to the puddles and getting themselves mucky and soaked. Who is with the knowledge what they would have to say to their mothers, after returning home?

On the other hand, one must acknowledge that there is something vile too regarding the monsoon, since, each and every object or notion in this universe fosters both merits and demerits. That is to say, people suffer from miscellaneous kinds of diseases during this season, like coughs, sneezes, diarrhea, blood dysentery and so on. Moreover, the daily commuters feel vexed and weary with the excessive and humdrum rain.

Nevertheless, this second phase in the cycle of seasons occupies a significant and large space in human hearts, with the fragrance of its own lovely jasmines on one side and the renewal of every tidbit of life on the other. One may set one’s spirit free on an enjoyment spree anytime throughout the year, but one, no doubt, feels at ease even more specifically during this time.

However, many works have been or can be created based on the marvellous novelty of the monsoon nature. Of course, every season possesses her independent wondrous features to be explored, but many opine that the monsoon is indeed something special, something different, probably because of her lenience in case of lessening the agonising heat, and blotting out the somberness of the unrelenting summer.

Everything can gift us boon, everything can gift us merriment, just as the monsoon does to the people of Kolkata, provided we can treat each notion genuinely, cordially, wholeheartedly, and above all, optimistically, not only for self-pleasure, but also for reformation of this world, from the state of present inferno to that of ensuing and everlasting heaven on earth.

The keywords

Prose, benediction of monsoon in Kolkata, scorched, blistering sunbeams, summer, dreadful, for a drop of rain, drench their dry lips, arid territory, divine angel, shower, blissful moment, bid adieu, woeful bygone days, new era of hope, trust, weal, life and production, heavy rain, cracked ground, verdant ocean, peasants, glee, West Bengal, complete liberty, incessant pouring of raindrops, urban region, rainy day, celestial delight, puddles, mucky and soaked, knowledge, cycle of seasons, second phase, fragrance, lovely jasmines, enjoyment spree, marvellous novelty, coughs, sneezes, diarrhea, blood dysentery, excessive and humdrum rain, agonising heat, optimistically, self-pleasure, reformation of the world, inferno, everlasting heaven on earth


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