Amanda, the Artist


Amanda, the Artist

Since her early childhood, Amanda was brought up listening to the songs of Jackson. In fact, she became a great fan of the legendary artist in course of time. Every time she listened to his voice, she used to speak to herself silently, “Oh, God! I wish I too had such a sweet voice. I wish I too could become a good artist like him.” Thus, she kept on dreaming.

Time rolled away. She is now a girl of nineteen years of age. However, her dream did never get rolled away along with the passage of time. The only difference between the past and the present is that now she has become a passionate singer with rigorous practice and with heartfelt love for music.

In the meantime, the sudden obituary of Jackson turned her pale. After all, he was the one and only role model in her life. She became so disheartened that she broke down from time to time, sometimes in silence, sometimes before others. However, her passion for music was pure indeed. She never gave up singing, for sure. Sometimes her voice became choked as if there was a lump in her throat. Still, she pursued singing, for that was her one and only dream and passion in life.

Gradually, day by day, month after month and year after year, she came across many other obituaries among her relatives: her maternal grandpa passed away, her uncle succumbed due to cancer and one of her cousins failed to survive a train accident. Out of them, the last one was the most pathetic indeed, not only because of the premature death, but also because she was too dear and close to Amanda.

Days flew away, and Amanda grew two years older. Now she not only grew old, but also did she grow up from within. She every now and then gave solace to herself, “Death can no more scare me. Of course, it is the ultimate end of life. Still, I will survive. How? By creating songs of life. Yes, those songs alone will make me immortal in the world just like Jackson.”

Amanda realized the truth of life. She resolved and began working even harder than before. Thus, step by step, by dint of her sheer hard work and perseverance, she came to find a recording contract from a well-to-do recording company.

Yes, her dream got fulfilled in course of time. Now she has become maturer. She has become self-dependent too. What is most significant is that now-a-days, she has learnt how to become an exemplary role model to others in the society.

She won the Grammy Awards also in the domain of the record of the year. When she was on the stage to say a few words after receiving the award, she spoke to the audience with a pair of glistening eyes, “Previously, I knew how to follow. However, life has taught me how to lead today. I thank everyone in my life. Thanks to all of you for such an honour. The last thing I’d say is that everybody has potential within him/her. Of course, we have the right to follow the legends, but we should also learn how to turn ourselves into such legends in due course of time.”

Moral: We have the right to follow; still, we should learn how to lead.


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