

The story behind the poem "Mingled" It was a sultry day. The sky was feeling gloomy in full swing. The earth was feeling morose. The crackling leaves were so dry. The birds were feeling weary to sing as if a disaster was in the offing. The rain was feeling dreary to come down on to the earth. Likewise, my own feelings reverberated in the entire Nature as if Nature could feel the "vibration of my soul". I was no more a separate entity. I was completely mingled with Nature. It was a splendid feeling indeed. The poem -- "Mingled" The sky feels gloomy, And so do I; The earth feels sullen, And so do I; The leaves feel dry, And so do I; The birds feel sick, And so do I; The rain feels husbandry, And so do I in cheer; Awaiting the divine heraldry, I'm mingled with Nature sheer. The keywords to the entire poem "Mingled" Poem, mingled, sky feels gloomy, so do I, earth feels sullen, leaves feel d

False Poets (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “False Poets” Once, I was going through Peter’s Epistles, both first and second, in the New Testament . I came to know, or should I say, I came to learn the existence of false prophets. These prophets endeavour to establish the religious orthodoxy without any morale or without any moral standpoint. They try to contaminate the religious beliefs with lots and lots of hypocrisy. However, suddenly, a thought struck my brain that if poets are called prophets, this statement can be applicable in case of the poets also. That is to say, there are many poets, also known as prophets, who claim to be really full of, abundant with foresight, insight and so on and so forth. But are we all true poets, for sure? This question applies to my case also. Not only that, but also this same question is applicable in case of each and every poet too. The basic prophetic vision is symptomatic of modesty, truthfulness and honesty. Hypocrisy and lecturing will ad

To a Phoenix (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “To a Phoenix” We are aware of the fact that a phoenix is a symbol of immortality. This kind of mythical bird gets itself burnt into ashes. However, right then, it emerges once again from the hot ashes. It refers to the immortal beings. It has a slight penchant to Jesus Christ as well who had the Resurrection on the third day after His Crucifixion. In this haiku, the speaker persona direly desires to be half like the bird. It is an earnest prayer to the Almighty obliquely as well. This poem alludes to the last stanzas of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s To A Skylark , in which the bird is a symbol of immortality, blitheness, eternal joy, and so on and so forth. In that poem by Shelley too, we come across a prayer by the speaker persona of the poem to the bird symptomatic of divinity. In the current poem called “To a Phoenix”, the speaker desperately prays for immortality which is nothing but a mirage on part of the speaker, since he / she is made of f

Like a Burning Candle

The poem in a nutshell An artist is like a burning candle. A candle has to burn itself down up to the last breath to produce light in the entire atmosphere. Likewise, an artist, a creator has to pour out his / her everything down into the creation to make it enjoyable to the world. Each and every person is a creative artist in some way or the other. Until and unless we burn ourselves down like a candle, we will have no value of our own. So, we have to produce up to the last lees of the glass of life. An artist has been given the responsibility to not only inform but also to transform people. So, he / she has to work up to the last breath in his / her life. The poem-- "Like a  Burning Candle" Like a burning candle, Lighting up its surroundings To the last flame of fire, An artist needs to Pour down everything To the last lees To enlighten the world, To inform the people, To try to transform them, By knocking at the door

Our Mother Nature

The poem "Our Mother Nature" in a nutshell Nature is our mother, for sure. If we look after her, she will take care of us all. Her fullness, stillness, and calmness echo in our soul. She is indeed lenient to us, for we are her children. However, at times, she becomes malignant. She then as if rebukes and punishes our disobedience. Hence, we are supposed to abide by her laws. Only then she will abide with us always. The poem-- "Our Mother Nature" Nature is full; Nature is calm; Nature is still; She echoes our soul. If we love her indeed, She does reflect our mood; She is the manifestation Of the Supreme Soul. She is our lenient mother; At times, she is malignant; We should abide by her laws; O, abide with us, Mother. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, mother nature, nature, full, calm, still, echoes our soul, love indeed, reflect our mood, manifestation, Supreme Soul, lenient mother, at times, ma


The story behind the poem It was a cloudy afternoon. I was gazing at the dark west sky. I came to behold that the entire sky was not dark; there was a few silver linings too. This gave me an idea to build up a thought that darkness and light walk hand in hand with each other. Milk or the "Milk of Paradise" or ambrosia and gall or poison, rise and fall, ebb and tide, produce a dappled experience in human lives. The birds flutter their wings to return to their nests after the day's work. A rain at the hand produces plenteous joys in every heart. The poem-- "Stillness" Milk and gall! Rise and fall! Such thoughts do arise; Behold the dappled skies. Their fluttering sound Fills up the mind profound. Why is everything so still? Will a storm work and fill? A rain is in the offing; Banish baseless bickering By all of us; Why feel so harsh? What we give is what we gain --- Joy for joy and pain for pain.

The Lockdown

The story behind the poem Of course, Corona and lockdown have shattered our lives into pieces. Still, we can look at the positive side of this scenario as well. For example, we have been given a pure Nature, a pure atmosphere once again. We have been gifted with another chance to get ourselves rectified as well. Like an optimist, we must try to drain out the positive out of the negative. We should not break down. We have been given another opportunity to prove ourselves anew. Let's plunge in. The poem-- "The Lockdown" I desire it sometimes, Perchance, a lot of times, This lockdown not to end; I've found out my best friend -- My own mirror image -- That was like a mirage In the past days indeed; Nowadays, I got myself freed From every shackle; Time can't me buckle; I am my own boss; Time can't take away my gloss. Nature feels so pure With fresh oxygen, for sure. No din and bustle! No kind of hassle! There m