
A Walk down the Tunnel

The poem -- "A Walk down the Tunnel" “Darkness does embalm; All things getting calm, Produce an eerie feeling; Can it serve with a healing?” “Aye, aye, sure, sure! Such feelings do us lure, To approach its end.” “Can we reach, my friend? The tunnel’s too long; With the bats’ screeching song, It does sound so strange.” “We can’t fathom its range. The tunnel’s so profound With the sorrowing sound Of a wailing woman at a distance; Hush! You can’t at her glance.” “Is she visible? Is she?” “Take some time for her to see. You’ll know everything; Hence, you have to cling.” “Such a sooty place!” “Don’t disgrace, pal, don’t disgrace.” “Where is she now?” “You’ll know the knowhow.” “I sneeze and cough, sneeze and cough. Whoa! Was that not a female laugh?” “Yes, it is! Yes, it is! Here you’ll find eternal bliss.” “Eternal bliss? What does it mean? You were supposed to guide me clean.” Of c

In the Cobweb

                    The poem in a nutshell This modern society is nothing but like a cobweb itself. We are ensnared in the web of lies, in the web of ill deeds, and in the web of vices and so on and so forth. The stagnation, the social stagnation is almost like a gigantic spider coming closer and closer to us day by day to engulf our everything. Life becomes monotonous indeed. There is no essence of life nowadays. However, we can make it through with our philanthropy, with our honest desire and with our good deeds. The poem -- "In the Cobweb" We’re caught in a cobweb; The gigantic spider Slouches towards us To engulf us forever. It’s a stagnant state Of human humdrum society, Where the ill-treaters Come forward to hammer us down. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, cobweb, caught in a cobweb, gigantic spider, slouches, engulf, stagnant state, human humdrum society, ill-treaters, hammer down The keywords to th

Death’s Charm

The poem in a nutshell Everything depends on how we look at it. Death, too, can be taken positively, as and when we can accept it positively. Our aspect or our outlook to life makes all things possible or impossible. We have to take all things with positivism and we need to accept things. Acceptance is the key to liberty actually. Hence, when we take all things optimistically, everything can be likewise. We must not overlook death's purity. Yes, it may be fearsome, but it can never lose its charm still. Then alone we will be able to enjoy life to the fullest. In William Blake's observation, "Without contraries is no progression." The poem -- "Death's Charm" Death can never harm; He too has his charm; I might feel morose; I may have sorrows; Still, they’re just mine; Hence, I do incline To receive such; Bearing magical touch, They light me up, With true joy’s club. The keywords to the entire poem

The Ogre

The poem in a nutshell Corona or COVID-19 is indeed a monstrous creature to all and sundry. It snatches lives in the twinkling of an eye. Like a monster, it stretches out its tongue here and there. No matter whether one is brave or fearful of the virus, it might spare none. So, we have to stay extra-cautious. Let us all keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. Let us all battle together. The poem -- "The Ogre" Corona’s tantalising tongue Has been spreading so long. Nobody does the ogre spare; No matter if I fear or dare, It will me ensnare. The sun soon will go down; Corona’s ready to frown, With his jeopardising jaws; We all are full of flaws; Lo! He outstretches his claws. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, ogre, Corona's tantalising tongue, spreading so long, ogre spare, fear or dare, ensnare, the sun, go down, ready to frown, jeopardising jaws, full of flaws, outstretches claws The keywor

The Best Poem (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “The Best Poem” All of us are well aware of the fact that the procedure of giving birth to a child is not a cakewalk. A mother has to undergo her labour pain for the sake of this task. Have you seen or have you ever imagined the scene of a volcanic eruption? Have you given it a thought? If we ponder over this matter, we will come to realise that such volcanic eruption is nothing else as well.That is to say, our Mother Earth erupts out the magma in the form of lava from her very womb. Similarly, poetic composition is a procedure just like that. A poet, just like a mother or like a volcano, when becomes heavily burdened of a thought or a pensive feeling, he / she creates a poem out of the labour pain. It is to be noted that as and when we feel the labour pain before a poetic composition, we can bring the best out of ourselves. The poem -- "The Best Poem" -- a haiku To pen a good poem, Do you feel the labour pain?

Our Actual Identity

The poem in a nutshell This poem is written from a spiritual angle. At the outset, there is a set of questions. However, later on, we come to find that all those questions have been answered by the speaker persona of the poem. Therefore, the question portion may be looked upon as a person's ignorant state of mind, while the later answer part depicts his / her deeper realisation. The poem -- "Our Actual Identity" Who am I? Who are you? Wherefrom do I come? Which place is this? Where will I go? Why do we fight? For sheer sham fright? For premeditated position? What’s that? How long will it last? We are none, we are nobody But the divided parts Of the Supreme Soul; We are the divided bread-loaves. We will have to go There where we come from; We have come here, on this Transient playhouse to prove, Prove how we can perform. We get involved in this World’s illusions, mirages, That will n

Lone (Haiku)

The poem “Lone” in a nutshell Human life, every now and then, looks for a company. In the haiku “Lone”, the speaker persona of the poem states that the clear sky above, the ridge mingling with the sea gifts him / her a company. Yes, it is true that human life relies upon our aspects or outlook at life. Still, sometimes we feel lonesome. However, we can get sure that we might feel lonesome apparently, but actually, our Mother Nature is always with us. She is there to accompany us always. We might have grown old. However, we have not grown up, perchance, still. When we are under the veil of our Mother Nature’s affectionate love and tender care, nothing in this world has the power to make us lonesome. The title of the poem has been given from an ironic point of view. Or is it just the opposite? Is it that the child of the Mother is growing up to find out a worthy companion for himself / herself? The poem -- "Lone" -- a haiku The clear sky abo