The Best Poem (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “The Best Poem”

All of us are well aware of the fact that the procedure of giving birth to a child is not a cakewalk. A mother has to undergo her labour pain for the sake of this task. Have you seen or have you ever imagined the scene of a volcanic eruption? Have you given it a thought? If we ponder over this matter, we will come to realise that such volcanic eruption is nothing else as well.That is to say, our Mother Earth erupts out the magma in the form of lava from her very womb. Similarly, poetic composition is a procedure just like that. A poet, just like a mother or like a volcano, when becomes heavily burdened of a thought or a pensive feeling, he / she creates a poem out of the labour pain. It is to be noted that as and when we feel the labour pain before a poetic composition, we can bring the best out of ourselves.

The poem -- "The Best Poem" -- a haiku

To pen a good poem,
Do you feel the labour pain?
Yes? It’s then the best.

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, haiku, the best poem, create a good poem, labour pain, the best


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