
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Leaders

The poem in a nutshell At the outset, I would like to draw your attention to An Introduction by Kamala Das. Just recall a little portion of the opening lines, please. So, the point is that we all face hypocrisy of democracy in many respects. In this regard, I would also request you to look into the actual scenario of this world. Broadly speaking, had we not been so corrupt, this world would have become a better place for living with a better tomorrow. However, unfortunately, the scenario is just the opposite. We are all facing Corona and Amphan. But can we deny that the problem lies at the deep root of our humanity? The poem --  "The Leaders" No right to speak the truth; No scope for fighting for sooth. In the name of democracy, They are running autocracy. Just as "flies are to wanton boys", Are we sported with by the leaders-- They make us dance like Puppets, petty pure puppets. The keywor

The Cyclone

The poem in a nutshell The poem "The Cyclone" tells us about a natural disaster. This poem was actually composed at the very night of Amphan. Everything was becoming topsy-turvy due to the monstrous jaws of the cyclone called 'Amphan'. Such a cyclone is fearsome indeed. It instills fear in everyone'e mind. The wind was howling everywhere as if the very Doom's Day was in the offing. the open windows rattled as if they were about to get smashed down. The doors were continuously banging. They created a terrible sound altogether. It was as if an epical battle between the cyclone and the human beings, between Nature's utmost rage and the living creatures on this earth. The cyclone asphyxiated all and sundry from the very core of their hearts. It was a spine-chilling experience indeed. The poem-- "The Cyclone" Such a cyclone Instills great fear; The gust being blown; O hear! O hear! He

The Cyclonic Night

The Poem--The Cyclonic Night It's my maiden experience Of an apocalyptic cyclone. The doors here and there Rattle again and again; The trees get uprooted; It is pouring like the world Is about to face that day, The very Day of Judgement. The ruffled wind swells the sea, As if a tsunami is in the offing. The sky bursting down crying Takes a fearsome look. By God, for the first time ever, Nature seems, the mother looks So treasonous indeed to her core. We unleashed our tyranny before; Now as if it's her turn to ricochet. Truly, this cyclone has taught me The other aspect, the other side of Our Nature-- so fierce, so uncaring, So malign, so malevolent, and So malignant, as if she never knew Anything called 'mercy' -- that turns My soul pale in fear, grey in tears. The stereotypical ideas are getting Challenged all in the twinkling of An eye. The roaring cyclone as if Is trying to engulf this world. Ev

Hold On

The poem in a nutshell This poem advocates the virtue of human persistence. Unless and until we know how to hold on, we can never gain success in life. Yes, we have to go through many tumultuous phases in life, but that does never means that we will never find good days in life. 'Marah' is a biblical term; so is 'Elim'. We come across these two names of places in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament. So, just as 'Marah' stands for bitterness or unhappy moments or hardships in life, 'Elim' represents sweetness, happiness or success in one's life. We need to hold on to behold the Elim after the Marah. For example, after this lockdown, after the cessation of COVID-19, we all will definitely behold a bright new day. That day is yet to come. We have to wait till such time. Yes, patience is bitter but its fruits are sweet. The poem --"Hold On" Hold on, hold on! After such a Marah Will come an

Eternal Bliss (Haiku)

The thought behind the short poem “Eternal Bliss” In a rainy twilight, the sky was completely full of hues of the setting sun, say, yellow, orange, red, purple, violet and so on and so forth. It was a blissful experience. Right then, a shower began pouring all over city. Every drop of shower appeared to be golden in tint. It felt as if they were nothing but golden “honeydew” falling from the sky. The term “honeydew” appears in the last few lines of the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. However, if we try indeed to find natural beauty for enjoying to our hearts’ content, Nature never does feel husbandry to satisfy our thirst. Nature loves us truly. We are the disobedient children. If we love her back, just imagine, how much blessed we all will become. There is beauty everywhere. We need to grab them with our thirsty eyes. If we feel the thirst indeed, Nature is there, for sure, to quench our hunger, to quench our thirst eternally. The p

Phoenix (Haiku)

The thought behind the short poem “Phoenix” A phoenix is a mythical bird that is symbolic of immortality, imperishability, and indestructibility and so on and so forth. It burns itself down into ashes, and then, it rises again from the hot ashes to start a new life of its own. Let us now consider this symbolic image in the perspective of the haiku. We know that there are so many people in our society, who, every now and then, try to dominate us, overpower us, and burn us down. No matter what they do to us, we have to stay stoical indeed. We need to vow to ourselves that we will rise again from the hot ashes, because every finish line is nothing but the beginning of a new race. Thence, like a phoenix which suggests all the positive vibes of life, we need to build up our mettle with lots of energy and stability. We must never feel disheartened. We need to keep ourselves firm and unshakeable that we cannot be broken from within at all. The poem -- "Phoenix

Concrete Jungle

The poem in a nutshell It was a sunny day. In course of time, the sun was about to go down in the crimson western horizon. The speaker persona in the poem climbed up the roof of a concrete apartment. At a distance within view, he / she beheld the city at a glance. It was a kind of short cityscape. However, it appeared just like a concrete jungle suffused with murky multiplexes only. We do not find any touch of green in the entire city roughly. All we can view is nothing but a host of concrete apartments functioning like the trees in a dense forest. Hence, this poem has been named 'Concrete Jungle'. However, there is still a silver lining in the entire murky scenario. The returning crows, the purple streaks in the western horizon give a sort of oxygen to the citizens. The little children have no playground for sporting. All they can do is play on the roofs. The poem -- "Concrete Jungle" A concrete jungle i

Many Happy Returns, O Mother

The poem--"Many Happy Returns, O Mother" Since the very morning, Be it of the day, or Be it of my life, You love me. Selfless love indeed! You showed me The light of this world. O Mother, I love you. Sometimes, in fret or In pain, I misbehave. I know that, O Mother. I repent and say sorry, But forgetting all of my Misbehaviour, you stretch Your open arms to me. You are my first as well as My best teacher in the world, O Mother. Whenever you give Me your cosy hug, I feel so secure. While I write this, my eyes become Hazy and my voice choked, for God Has given me the best gift in the world, And that is none but you, O Mother. You are the best mother, as per me. Years will roll, when you'll grow old. One day, you will perchance leave me, Leave me all alone in this corrupt world. Where will I find such pure love then? Teardrops roll down my cheeks, I feel A lump in my throat thinking that.

Mettle (Haiku)

The thought behind the little poem “Mettle” In this poem called “Mettle”, the speaker persona endeavours to advocate that we all should stay stable and strong mentally, no matter what happens with us. There may be storms, there may be ruffled winds, but we must know how to sail both in fair and inclement weather. Life is full of ups and downs, and we all must get an equal share of it. Hence, we have to stay indomitable in spirit. Only then we can endure like Sisyphus in life’s battle. We might not become triumphant, we might not become glorious, but we will never be defeated and destroyed for a strong gust of wind, for a blistering blizzard, for the swelling sea and so on and so forth. We need to hold on firmly enough so that we can never get knocked down by the sudden blow, by the sudden calamity, and by the sudden mishaps. Let us all come to learn the true meaning of life so that we can sail smoothly in the ocean forever. The poem -- "Mettle"

Escapade (Haiku)

The thought behind the little poem “Escapade” Is there any Utopia indeed? Is there any Wonderland, for sure? If so, I would have run away to those dreamlands forever, perchance. Perhaps, we all would have wanted to do so to some extent. Time sometimes feels stagnant, life sometimes feels mossy, and the place sometimes appears to be humdrum full of dire din and bustle. Feeling weary and heavy in heart, we all desire to spend our days, our loving life to some escapade. Yes, it is a fact that we all are, to some extent, escapists. Again, we all are, to some extent, realists. Yes, we all oscillate between hope and despair like a pendulum. Nothing lasts forever in this world. Everything is transient in life. Whatever is soothing today may become tedious tomorrow. Nothing is permanent, for sure. Hence, we need to change our aspects or outlook at life. Our mind is our greatest escapade. Yes, “laughter is an instant vacation”. If we stay happy, life will be

Superman (Haiku series)

The poem “Superman” in a nutshell This poem, a haiku series, has a penchant to draw self-sufficiency. There is a superman in each of us. What we need to do is to arouse that out of us from our within. We have a divine power within us. Yes, we have, for sure. We need to recognise that divine power from within. Actually, we ourselves are our own bosses. We love ourselves too much indeed. Hence, instead of being selfish, we should try to help ourselves in all walks of our lives. Sometimes, people break up and pine over the same. But this cannot be rational indeed. Why should we mourn over an  impostor ? Had he / she been our true friend, the treason would not have taken place probably. Time is too short to live. Hence, we must always make proper use of time. This life is ours. The choice is ours as well. It is up to us what we are going to do. Hence, should we not live to our hearts’ content? The poem--"Superman"                        

In A Cloudy Morn

The keywords to the entire poem Poem, cloudy morn, delightful dawn, beauteous morn, green grassy lawn, golden glow of corn, ever-new, vaudeville view, cloudy sky, pure breathing air, birds, fly, human congestion, uncare, pure, meek and tender, beholder The poem in a nutshell It was a cloudy morning. When the light of the dawn crept into the speaker's room through the casements, it was a regaling and an enchanting experience on the part of the speaker persona of the poem. It took his / her soul away to an unknown island of imagination, beauty, open Nature, magnificence, grandeur and so on and so forth. Such a majestic land of beauty and of imagination is indeed a sheer visual, aural, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and spiritual treat altogether. Yes, we can fuse everything up in the world of imagination. In that world of fantasy, we have complete command over everything. Broadly speaking, we all have the power of imagination. Let'

No Life (Haiku)

The Keywords Haiku, poem, no life, feeling lonely, without You, don't exist, a shadeless shadow The thought behind the little poem “No Life” In this poem, the speaker persona asserts that he / she is lonely. However, the reason is also easily perceptible. Here “You” refers to the Supreme Being. That is why, the word “You” has been capitalised. Truly, we are nothing but “A shadeless shadow” without the essence of life, which is the Divine Love. In the Book of Genesis , we come to know that God created man in His own image. Yes, the fact whether we will accept God or negate Him is totally a different issue. But we can never deny the life force. So, where does this life force come from? Where is its origin? How can we know how to obtain it completely? Such questions do come sometimes in our subconscious state of mind. Sometimes, we try to find out the answer. Sometimes, we laugh it away. Since God is omnipresent, He is prese

On the Death of the Indian Football Legend

The keywords to the entire poem Poem, death, football, legend, Chuni Goswami, candle, blew, forever, awe, leave, God, bless, family, lock down, scenario, thread, torn, no more, Indian The poem in a nutshell This little poem has been addressed to Sir Chuni Goswami, one of the Indian football legends. Just as a flickering flame of a candle is suddenly extinguished, a human life faces sudden demise. The speaker mourns over the  loss caused by the death of the football legend. The abrupt blowing out of the candle, the sudden tearing away of the thread leave us all in utmost awe. A great loss, a great bereavement indeed! The poem - "On the Death of the Indian Football Legend" O, Sir Chuni Goswami! The candle blew out; You went away forever, Leaving us all in awe. A legend, O, a legend! May God bless your family; May God bless us all; In such a lockdown scenario, The thread got torn. You're no more.....O,

On the Death of the Legends

The keywords to the entire poem Poem, death, legend, lock down, scenario, passed away, two, eternal, peace, heaven, Irrfan Khan, Rishi Kapoor, rest, peace, hope, meet, each other, God, abode, pure, bliss, great, loss, world, land, divine, families, bless The poem in a nutshell This poem pays a homage to Sir Irrfan Khan and Sir Rishi Kapoor. Their sudden demise brought a overshadowing grey cloud over the entire film industry as well as the entire India. A hue and cry rose all over the world. Therefore, this little gift or this little poem tries to pay an earnest homage to both the legends. May both of them rest in peace in the divine abode forever. The poem - "On the Death of the Legends" In this lockdown scenario, You duo passed away, You, the two legends, went away To eternal peace in heaven. O, Sir Irrfan Khan, O, Sir Rishi Kapoor, Rest in utmost peace. Hope, you've met each other In God