A Prayer for the Fellow Citizens

The poem--
"A Prayer for the Fellow Citizens"
O our lenient loving Lord,
Save my fellow citizens around the world.
We are all in dire distress;
Please no more stay silent;
The death toll has caused
Bereavement to so many.
It has snatched so many lives
From this world forever.
Every now and every then,
Pure panic pangs us most.
Save my fellow citizens of the world.
We pray to You, Lord,
We beg of You, God.
The dead are dead,
But the living are still living.
Please save my fellow citizens of the world.
We know we are sinners;
We know we are corrupt;
We know we are vicious;
We know You are there
To forgive us all, Lord.
Please touch us with
Your heavenly hand.
To You, we come;
Before You, we do stand.
We are distressed.
Will You still not turn
Your face to us for the sake of
The protection of all fellow citizens
In the world? Save us all.
Yes, You have to.
Let a new dawn light,
Let a new day come,
Let a new era come to light.
Yes, we are perverted indeed,
But will You not bring us back
To the right track in life, Lord?
You are our forgiving Father.
We beg You mercy as Your
Children, though we go astray,
Because at the end of the day,
It is You alone to whom we come
To seek a hiding place.
Have mercy on us, O Lord!
Please allow everything to
Come back to normalcy
 Once again, once again............

The Keywords

Poem, prayer, fellow citizens, lenient loving Lord, save, world, dire distress, stay silent, death toll, bereavement, snatched, lives, forever, pure panic pangs, pray, beg, dead, living, sinners, corrupt, vicious, forgive, touch, heavenly hand, distressed, come, stand, Your face, protection, new dawn light, new day come, new era come to light, perverted indeed, right track, forgiving Father, mercy, children, go astray, at the end of the day, seek a hiding place, allow, back to normalcy, once again


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