Loving our Mother Nature (Haiku)


A Few Words

We all know that a mother’s love is the most precious and the most powerful love ever. We commit mistakes, we do blunder; still, our mothers embrace us. How wonderful! Truly so, isn’t it? Who else in flesh and blood can love us more? They sacrifice everything for us, and, what is more, with a smile. A mother does sacrifice her dreams, her desires, her likes, her dislikes, everything just to see the smiling faces of her child or her children. However, sometimes, she gets angry indeed, but that is just to discipline her children, to perfect them, for sure. She loves us the most; she has to be indignant to correct our errors. Well, that, too, is a product of her love, of her heart, isn’t it?

So, broadly speaking, Nature is our common mother; she loves us, she trains us, and sometimes she disciplines us to correct our errors. Just like a mother, she, too, has the right, she, too, has the affection to teach us life’s lessons. We are brought back to the right track of virtue with her merciful malignance.


The Haiku—“Loving our Mother Nature”


Let us love Nature;

She's full of mercy, but, too,

Sometimes malignant.


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