The Teenager's Talk

The poem in a nutshell

Corona's ruthlessness has been depicted in this poem that even a little teenager, who is about to flourish, cannot get rid of it.

The poem -- "The Teenager's Talk"

Will it kill us all, Mum?
You say, one gets the sum
Of one's deeds -- all of them;
Now it doesn't seem the same.
I've just stepped at thirteen;
Won't I too be spared by COVID-19?
I wish to meet more people;
I wish to soar on the ripple
Of my fantastic land,
Holding your and Dad's hand.
Corpses on corpses are getting piled;
I don't want to be exiled,
Mum, don't want to be exiled.
You say, I'll be a big man,
An honorable and pure man;
I need to grow up
With your club.
Won't this virus let me go?
Can't I fulfill my dreams and grow?
Please, don't you cry, Mum;
I'm ready to get my sum.

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, teenager's talk, mum, one gets the sum of one's deeds, stepped at thirteen, COVID-19, meet more people, soar on the ripple, fantastic land, your and dad's hand, corpses on corpses are getting piled, exiled, big man, honorable and pure man, club, virus, fulfill my dreams


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