The Short Word (Haiku)

A few words

As we see, ‘life’ is a four-letter word, a short word, for sure. No matter what the circumstances are, we, most of the time, fail to control our lives. Broadly speaking, there are certain things in the world, over which we have no control, no control at all. We fall victims to our crises. We raise a hue and cry, thinking then wondering, “How can this be possible? How did it happen? Such things were not meant to be so at all. How did everything slip off our hands?” Well, the truth is that we can never have complete control over anything permanently. In other words, we cannot control; we have to be controlled instead. Hence, the more we come to learn the fact, the better. Sometimes, it is quite natural to ponder on, “How can we cherish our freedom when we are under control?” None of us can be completely ‘free’ in the literal sense. However, that does not mean that we have to fit in the frame made by someone else. What we need to do is to get rid of our colonised mind. Why don’t we use our fresh mind? Let it spread its wings, let it touch the sky. One day, we all will live our dreams. Let’s have full faith in ourselves; let’s work hard; let’s fulfil our dreams; and let’s call it the four-letter word, that is, ‘life’.

‘The Short Word’

'Life' is a short word,

But it means just everything;

It goes on and on.


  1. This is a wonderful Haiku (even though in its strictest sense it is a senryu). So true, that there are many things in life beyond our control. Every dip, every challenge does have some hidden blessings, blessings we often see, only much later. Good and thought-provoking essay and poem. Well done!

    1. It's such an amazing honour... Thank you so much for your time, support and appreciation. 😄


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