
Bleed to Succeed

  A few words about the poem Bleed to Succeed It is easy, very easy to say, but it is that much hard to do. We do judge others, we do criticise them and we hurl fiery, sometimes obscene comments to all save ourselves. Yes, it is extremely easy to question, but it is that much difficult and challenging to answer. Sometimes, when we, in a sense of derogation, ask someone a question, thinking that we would be the kings and the queens by trying to belittle the addressee, we must get sure that it takes a lot of guts on the part of the answerer, and apart from that, as and when we get the unexpected response from that person whom we wanted to demean, we can’t stay sane anymore. That is to say, right then, we, as if, console ourselves with the stupidest solace of being ‘lucky’ and ‘unlucky’. What does hinder us then to accept the fact that success needs a lot of hard work? The following poem tries to give the fundamental idea of the way to success. The poem—“Bleed to Succeed” The way to s

The Best Moment

  A few words about the poem The Best Moment There have been a lot of talks and a lot of endeavours to attain perfection throughout all the ages. Yes, we all do have the right to think as we can and to work as we please. Of course, that is our personal choice that varies from person to person. Still, it must be noted that human beings made of flesh and blood lacks the quality of perfection. Surely, the notion of ‘perfection’ is an illusion in the strictest sense of the term. Wait! There’s nothing as such that we have to become so disheartened or so demotivated about. Instead, let’s accept all our imperfections. The sooner we realise the fact, the better, and the better our minds get acclimatised, the harder we learn to work. In the course of the process, we can become smarter. However, there is no need to think that we are about to go in vain. Actually, we all are imperfect, yet ‘perfect’ in our own way. The following poem is written in this penchant. I hope that you’ll enjoy i

Pristine Forever (Senryu)

  A Few Words about Pristine Forever Just like a burning candle, a mother sacrifices her everything for the sake of her child. Regardless of how hurt she feels whenever someone amongst the people or amongst the mob criticizes her, she is tireless in loving her child unconditionally, she is even stronger than before to protect her kid. She lights up the world of her offspring anew every day; she holds the child in her lap with warmth, with affection and with protection. A mother’s love is the most powerful force in this world; it is the elixir, it is the panacea to all kinds of diseases. She is the shield to her children; she stands like a protective mountain. No matter what happens, no matter how her life goes on eroding as and when her kid goes astray, she is there to bring them back to the right track of virtue even at the cost of her life. She is pristine; she is untainted; she is nobler than the noblest forever. She has no time to look at herself, for she loves her kids. She hide

A Presage (Tanka)

  A Few Words Sometimes, I wonder, well, we all wonder how heartless we have been, how heartless we still are to our Mother Nature, our comforter, our benefactor and our angel. How is it that we, the so-called humans, become such ingrates? We all must keep it in mind that one day, sooner or later, the tables are supposed to turn. We can no more complain because it is we who are responsible for the consequences. How can we think, why do we wonder of being forgiven over and over again? The five-letter word, ‘Sorry’, is too clichéd to be considered by the way. That is to say, we all need to get awakened from our very core. Things cannot go on in the same way. We all have to pay for our misdeeds. Until and unless we rectify ourselves, who will do it, well, why should someone else do it on our behalf? Let us all question ourselves; let us all find out our inner selves; let us all rectify ourselves to find out the answers. It is we who have worsened the entire scenario, and it is we who ha

The Short Word (Haiku)

A few words As we see, ‘life’ is a four-letter word, a short word, for sure. No matter what the circumstances are, we, most of the time, fail to control our lives. Broadly speaking, there are certain things in the world, over which we have no control, no control at all. We fall victims to our crises. We raise a hue and cry, thinking then wondering, “How can this be possible? How did it happen? Such things were not meant to be so at all. How did everything slip off our hands?” Well, the truth is that we can never have complete control over anything permanently. In other words, we cannot control; we have to be controlled instead. Hence, the more we come to learn the fact, the better. Sometimes, it is quite natural to ponder on, “How can we cherish our freedom when we are under control?” None of us can be completely ‘free’ in the literal sense. However, that does not mean that we have to fit in the frame made by someone else. What we need to do is to get rid of our colonised mind. Why d

Loving our Mother Nature (Haiku)

  A Few Words We all know that a mother’s love is the most precious and the most powerful love ever. We commit mistakes, we do blunder; still, our mothers embrace us. How wonderful! Truly so, isn’t it? Who else in flesh and blood can love us more? They sacrifice everything for us, and, what is more, with a smile. A mother does sacrifice her dreams, her desires, her likes, her dislikes, everything just to see the smiling faces of her child or her children. However, sometimes, she gets angry indeed, but that is just to discipline her children, to perfect them, for sure. She loves us the most; she has to be indignant to correct our errors. Well, that, too, is a product of her love, of her heart, isn’t it? So, broadly speaking, Nature is our common mother; she loves us, she trains us, and sometimes she disciplines us to correct our errors. Just like a mother, she, too, has the right, she, too, has the affection to teach us life’s lessons. We are brought back to the right track of virtu

Vain Victory (Senryu)

Vain Victory (Senryu) We fight tooth and nail, To establish our triumph. All're lost in the dust! A Few Words Each and every one of us does dream of success, of accomplishment and of triumph. No matter where we are, no matter what we are and no matter where we come from, we all do desire of victory in some way or the other. Well, we love dreaming large, we fight so hard, we try to concentrate and we earn the feather on our caps finally. Yes, we can, yes, we do pave the way to our success. We live, we love and we celebrate. Well, after all, we all do and ought to contemplate on life. How beautiful it is indeed! Then, day by day, we grow old. Day by day, our skin gets loosened, our hair grey. Gradually, we realise the beautifully organised falsehood of life. We are not meant to stay here forever. Then, things seem pointless. Nevertheless, we are not supposed to think of our demise and become morose at all. Why don’t we leave an impression on this earth that can keep us immortal?