The Burning Sun

The story behind the poem

It was a summer afternoon. I was standing on the roof facing the fading sun. I stood still feeling his warmth all over my body. My face was lit up with his light and warmth. At that time, the sun seemed to outshine more, even more than usual. I hailed the Creation of God all at once. However, abruptly, my soul was lit up as if I could hear the melodious sound of the wind around me. It reminded me of the fact that Moses, too, was standing still in front of the burning bush in the Book of Exodus. They suddenly flashed upon my vision. I cried out, "Hallelujah! I have found you at last." Thereafter, a gentle peace felt injected within me as I was almost numb then.

The poem-- "The Burning Sun"

I stood still and the sun outshone
As if God whispered into my ears
Through His creation all at once.
I felt as if I was Moses in front of
The burning bush. Hallelujah!
What pure peace came up
Within! O inexplicable indeed!

The Keywords

Poem, burning sun, stood still, sun outshone, God whispered into my ears, His creation, Moses in front of the burning bush, hallelujah, pure peace, within, inexplicable, indeed


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