Life's Treasure

The poem "Life's Treasure" in a nutshell

This poem contains one question and one answer to that same question. The question has been asked in this way: "Where do I find / Life's hidden treasure?" So, here the word 'treasure' never does refer to some wealth and gems. It rather refers to the essence of life, the very philosophy of life itself. The person to whom the question has been asked has not been mentioned. Is the person a saint? Or is He God Himself? However, the answer is not clearly given. Still, if we delve deep, we can easily find out the answer. The answer lies purely in the couple of words "mingled measure". These two words can be traced back to the poem Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. "Mingled measure" refers to the equal share of life here. That is to say, we all shall get equal weal and woe, equal joy and sorrow and so on and so forth.

The poem -- "Life's Treasure"

Where do I find
Life's hidden treasure?
It is inclined
To the "mingled measure".

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, life's treasure, hidden treasure, where do I find, inclined to the "mingled measure"


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