To the Blade of Grass

The poem in a nutshell

Nothing can be considered to be trivial in this world. Even a blade of glass  should be given importance. It, too, has the potential to teach us a grand lesson. It teaches us how to feel blissful even in the midst of complete turmoil. Bliss is purely internal. It is holy. Even though the grasses are trodden on by the mass, they never do lose their internal bliss. So, we have to stay calm and composed even in the midst of obstacles. Only then will we be competent enough to feel spiritually rich and happy. Therefore, as a thanksgiving note, this little poem has been addressed to the glorious blade of grass.

The poem -- "To the Blade of Grass"

I learn from you,
O, blade of grass;
Trodden are you
By the mass.

You stay at calm;
You stay at peace;
You silently hum,
"You can't snatch my bliss".

These are all
Sublime virtues;
Your sweet call
Turns my heart loose.

Stay at calm,
In utmost peace;
I, too, hum,
"I'm in my bliss".

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, blade of grass, learn from you, trodden are you, mass, stay at calm, stay at peace, silently hum, snatch my bliss, sublime virtues, sweet call, turns my heart loose, utmost peace, hum, I'm in my bliss


  1. " These are all Sublime virtues; Your sweet call Turns my heart loose." সবুজ প্রাণময় তৃণের কাছে দীণতর কবি । আর আছে প্রকৃতি-পরমেশ্বরের বুকে মাথা রেখে নিবিড় কামনা .... এক অপার শান্তির ...!প্রত্যেকটা শব্দের অনুরণনে এ কবিতা আমাদের মতো average পাঠকের মন টানে । আপনার অন্য সব কবিতার মতোই এ কবিতাও কোথায় যেন সর্বজনীন ...! অভিনন্দন সোমালি ।

    1. Sincere thanks and heartfelt regards... May God bless you richly.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your time and appreciation. Stay blessed.


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