
Showing posts from 2020

The Memory

The poem in a nutshell This poem has been composed in a trance of recollection. We all are learners throughout our entire life, no matter whoever we are and how old we are. Life itself is nothing but a book. We all are learners as well as teachers. Hence, we should have an obedient heart to learn from all and sundry.   The poem – “The Memory” The azure vernal sky Is now cloud-laden. O hear! The roar of The thunder stirs me up With the sudden memory Of the tête-à-tête Between last evening’s Bus-conductor and me.   I boarded the running bus; He took me up into the vehicle; Right then, the earthen cup Overbrimm’d with tea, Hot tea with sugar Got spilt onto his hand.   “Sorry, Uncle,” I said, “Are you hurt?” He shook his hand. The matter was dropped.   A little while after, He came to me for Taking the fare; I was a bit scared. Then he looked up With a pair of Glistening eyes, and said, “Why do you take such Risks, my child?

In the Age of Sophistication

The poem – “In the Age of Sophistication”   O, free me up, free me up – I can no more stay fettered; With the cute avian club, I want the chains to get battered.   Poetry, my only means of communication, Gifts me love and liberty; Society’s full of every instigation; Satan tries to confine me.   The most pathetic music Does sound the most melodious; This life, though tragic, Gifts me my pain, familiar and joyous.   Love comes more naturally than Hate To each one of us, humankind; Why then do we sophisticate Our life that turns us blind?   Don’t you smile in joy? Don’t you weep in pain? Why then hide, my boy? Why do people call us insane?   To bring the true feeling and Act accordingly is sheer honesty; Why do we then reprimand? Why do we lose our modesty?   We belittle people; But why? Why? Why? Does that rumour ripple Our hearts with joy, Or do we have to sigh?   Can sadism bring us true Joy at all, at all,

Precious Shelter

  The poem “Precious Shelter” in a nutshell   We take shelter when we are in need. To give the shelter to someone in need, one requires possessing a good and sound heart and conscience. Nothing other than human love can give birth to such feelings. We all have love or passion for someone or something. In our melancholy moments, they provide us with glee. This poem is placed at the vantage point of such a deserted soul who seeks shelter and gets it in the loving cottage of his/her love or passion. It may be a love for a person; it may be a love for a particular arena or domain, for say, poetry, fine arts, sports, music, books, and dance and so on and so forth. This poem has been given the pattern of a small hut, a dwelling place or a shelter. That is to say, the place may not be well furnished, but it requires love from the core.   The poem – “Precious Shelter” – a pattern poem     A Love That girds Me like a guard, A love that holds me Tight to break that’s hard,


The poem “Gemstone” in a nutshell The poem “Gemstone” is a pattern poem. As and when a gemstone is along with us, we never do require anything else, for sure. It safeguards us from all kinds of problems, difficulties and troubles. This poem is an earnest endeavour to portray human love as a gemstone not only through the theme but also through the pattern of the poem. Without a safeguarding gemstone, we have no protection or safety at all. Similarly, without love, life is not life at all. Life seems to be a bunch of sapless foliages indeed. Therefore, whoever we are, wherever we are, we should always try to keep our gemstone or our love intact. No matter what happens in our lives, we should not lose the love from our within. The poem-- "Gemstone" -- a pattern poem You are my gemstone; I do never require to atone. You are my safety touchstone; Hence, I need nothing to be known. When you are indeed not here, Everything seems to scatter, For you’re my strength; I

Amanda, the Artist

  Amanda, the Artist Since her early childhood, Amanda was brought up listening to the songs of Jackson. In fact, she became a great fan of the legendary artist in course of time. Every time she listened to his voice, she used to speak to herself silently, “Oh, God! I wish I too had such a sweet voice. I wish I too could become a good artist like him.” Thus, she kept on dreaming. Time rolled away. She is now a girl of nineteen years of age. However, her dream did never get rolled away along with the passage of time. The only difference between the past and the present is that now she has become a passionate singer with rigorous practice and with heartfelt love for music. In the meantime, the sudden obituary of Jackson turned her pale. After all, he was the one and only role model in her life. She became so disheartened that she broke down from time to time, sometimes in silence, sometimes before others. However, her passion for music was pure indeed. She never gave up singing, fo

Two in One

The poem "Two in One" in a nutshell The theme of love is a perennial one. In this poem, the speaker persona has compared the beloved to an umbrella. The four-letter word “love” can be interpreted in a number of ways. One of them has been expressed in the following poem. Indeed, human love is precious, even more precious than gold. What is more, nowadays, in this materialistic world, people are getting prone to treachery and violence. Love comes more naturally to us than hatred. Actually, scorn is infused into us by the social order, or should we say, the social anarchy in the name of social order. This poem can be looked upon as a holy bond between a mother and a child, a father and a daughter, a lover and a beloved, God and His devotee and so on and so forth. The pattern has been given to make the symbol more vivid. Hope, you enjoy it.   The poem—“Two in One”—A Pattern Poem   O, O, my precious, sweet love, You are my umbrella, my love; You are an angel sent f

Life, a Boomerang

The thought behind the poem In the essay “Of Studies” by Francis Bacon, we come to discern an amazing statement: “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man”. I had gone through this statement a number of years ago. However, it became engraved in my heart forever. Since then, it resonates in my soul till date. Days went by, and I learnt it with my life by applying the lesson in reality. Yes, every action, for sure, has a definite, equal and opposite reaction. Good action produces good reaction and bad action gives bad fruit. That is why life has been depicted as a boomerang in the tiny poem below. I hope that you all enjoy this ordinary writing named “Life, a Boomerang”. Life, a Boomerang The more you write, The more ‘exact’ you will be; The more you fight, The more challenged you will be. The more you criticise, The more disgraced you will be; The more you optimise, The more esteemed you will be. Whatever we do o

Cosmic Lessons

The poem "Cosmic Lessons" in a nutshell The cosmic creation is an automation of order, the cosmic order. If we look at Nature carefully, we can come to learn so many lessons, for sure. Each and everything is happening in an order, in the cosmic order, that gives us a lesson, the cosmic lesson. As and when we cling to or we do pursue our positive passions, we feel a joy that is of creative kind. Without pausing, without ceasing, we should nurture, we should garner our passion to fructify it into reality. People will always be there to taunt and instigate us, but we need to stay persistent to feel the jolly joy and to succeed in life. The poem—“Cosmic Lessons” The snow-capped mountains, The murmuring fountains, The golden dazzle, The hard hazel, The fluttering birds, The returning herds – All tell me one thing, “You do have to cling To your positive passion, Though others create instigation, For the world’s in a flow, Ju


The thought behind the little poem “Aspect” It is a universal truth that life’s taste depends on our way of tasting it. That is to say, each and everything relies upon our way of looking at it. If we think positive, we will find positive events in our life. Again, if we think negative, we will come to face the negative effects. Let us remember the fact that “Character is destiny”. But does that mean that there will not be a single unhappy day in our life? Of course, “without contraries is no progression”, of course, we have to face both “triumph and disaster” and we need to “treat those two impostors just the same”. Broadly speaking, we should try to drain out the positive aspect from the negative and painful events too. If we be mournful, it will give us pain alone. However, if we be optimistic, we can derive lessons from such like events. “Leaven” represents evil, but “Manna” is symbolic of ambrosia. Now the question is—“Can’t we derive at least a little joy

The Necromancer

The poem “The Necromancer” in a nutshell This poem is nothing but the solo speech of a necromancer who practises black magic to the utmost. As a result, he/she ushers in the dead from the hell or the evil spirits from the infernal valley. With the magic chants or with the incantation, he sings with the dead spirits. This poem throws light on the dark side of the character of a necromancer. The black magician is indeed dreadful by nature. He / She is boastful also. Broadly speaking, such boast is the cause of his psychic fall which is implied in the poem. The poem— “The Necromancer” I can usher in them. I can usher! Why? Because I’m such a nice necromancer. I chant, I utter incantation; The rest does need no mention. I live on them, I sing; To such magic I do always cling. I can usher and make them blush; I command them; they work; plus They try to entertain. My magic don’t disdain. I can turn any life pale; I can raise any

A Prayer for the Fellow Citizens

The poem-- "A Prayer for the Fellow Citizens" O our lenient loving Lord, Save my fellow citizens around the world. We are all in dire distress; Please no more stay silent; The death toll has caused Bereavement to so many. It has snatched so many lives From this world forever. Every now and every then, Pure panic pangs us most. Save my fellow citizens of the world. We pray to You, Lord, We beg of You, God. The dead are dead, But the living are still living. Please save my fellow citizens of the world. We know we are sinners; We know we are corrupt; We know we are vicious; We know You are there To forgive us all, Lord. Please touch us with Your heavenly hand. To You, we come; Before You, we do stand. We are distressed. Will You still not turn Your face to us for the sake of The protection of all fellow citizens In the world? Save us all. Yes, You have to. Let a new dawn light, Let a new day come, Let a new era come to l

Love the Life

The poem-- "Love the Life" No more will I make life freeze; I will enjoy my life up to its lowest lees. Life is short; it is precious; Life can't stand with things malicious. Why shouldn't I, why shouldn't I? Soar with wings up in the sky? Aye, I do love to dream; Like the stars, I don't gleam, But I will shine, shine, for sure; The more will I shine, the more endure. I'll shed no more tears, Banish all my fears, To become purified, No more feel petrified. No more will I let life freeze; I'll enjoy life up to its lowest lees. I may be wrong; I may be right; No more indulge sheer sham fright. There is just one life for living; Don't waste it with flattering craving. Love life more, love it even more; Such love will balm your every sore. The truth will surely come to light; Each thing'll be revealed extra-bright. What we try to hide, May flow free like tide; What we try to bring to light, May

The Flowers

The poem -- "The Flowers" -- in quatrains The flowers like yellow topaz Keep swaying in the breeze; Such integrity Nature has Alone with no pause and cease. Let’s follow the Mother; Let’s gather her integrity; She alone knows forever What’s called chastity. Forget the people; Forget the mob; Garner your ripple; Unleash your sob. Let your sweetest sob Create always something new; Let the malicious mob Know of its vaudeville view. Let them envy, Let them snarl; Let them ill be; Let them criticism hurl. Many things shall take place, But allow you trust self; Mind, they’ll never show grace; They’ll never offer help. Whenever you are creative, More criticisms will arise; Still, you need to stay positive To allow them return with sighs. Learn from the flowers, Leaning yet strong; Open the doors of your bowers, For creating song after song. The keywords to the enti