Lesson from the Rain (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Lesson from the Rain”

Yes, sometimes we laugh away the trivial matters saying that they have no value at all. However, this should be noted that trivial things lead to perfection. “Little drops of water/ Little grains of sand/ make the mighty ocean/ And the pleasant land.” So, what we come to notice is the life force of puny objects in this regard. Whatever or whoever is belittled, will come out to light one very day. Because of our arrogance and envy, we belittle others. However, when that puny object or tiny person takes a voluminous shape, we run away at that time. This is evident from the pitter-patter of the raindrops. They slowly but surely take turn to cats and dogs rain. Hence, without demeaning someone or something, we should always try to honour every living creature. Nobody knows which divine force is underlying in whom. Therefore, we should always try to learn from everyone or from everything. Every little thing can be the source of learning for all of us.

The poem -- "Lesson from the Rain" -- a haiku

The pitter-patter
Takes a turn to cats and dogs.
Demean her never.

The Keywords

Poem, haiku, lesson from the rain, pitter-patter, turn to cats and dogs, demean her never


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