The Obituary (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Obituary”

It is easy to say that man is mortal. However, it becomes that much difficult to accept that saying as and when we come to face such a consequence on our part. Likewise, I came to hear the heavy news of the sudden death of my teacher one day. I cannot tell why even now I cannot accept that obituary. Yes, death is such a notion that turns all our efforts, all our feuds etc. fatuous in the wink of an eye. Everything seems nothing but a pure mundane mockery indeed. Death proves this fact to the utmost. We clamour saying “It’s mine”, but all such fights become fruitless and meaningless in the terrible jaws of death. The claws of death snatch away our all in a blink. We have to stay prepared, therefore, always that the call may come any day to us. Without shouting and screaming for false matters, we should, hence, try to stay inclined to the actual matter of love and peace in our lives.

The poem -- "The Obituary" -- a haiku

That you are no more
Turns my sea to commotion;
A great storm at hand!

The Keywords

Poem, haiku, obituary, you are no more, sea, commotion, great storm at hand


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