The Bleeding Earth (Haiku)

The story behind the haiku “Bleeding Earth”

We were born on this earth with a view to live a peaceful life. Still, nowadays, our life is becoming more and more venomous day by day. However, if we examine this matter, we will come to find that the very problem lies at the very root of our civilization. Yes, we are modern, we are civilized, we are cultured, but have we ever thought how cruel-hearted we all are? We can stab one another with a spontaneous smile. An animal can be assessed to be less cruel than a human being. Actually, needless to mention, an animal is disgraced when it is compared with a human being. That is to say, the next step of action of an animal can be easily guessed as and when we come to notice its present step of action. Be it domestic, be it wild, it is needed to be mentioned that animals are truly far kinder than us. Moreover, this is evident from the pandemic situations like Corona or COVID- 19 even more severely.

The poem -- "The Bleeding Earth" -- a haiku

The environment
Cries today with drops of blood
For our corruption.

The keywords

Haiku, poem, bleeding earth, environment, cries today, drops of blood, corruption


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