Little Acts of Pride

The poem in a nutshell

This tiny poem has been designed in the fashion of the following poem:
Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean,
And the pleasant land.
However, this poem attempts to satirise the human folly that we are inordinately proud of ourselves which we should never be. Little acts of pride will make a big mistake on our parts. Just as "mighty contests rise from trivial things", little acts of pride are responsible for our psychic fall. Likewise, they feel like poison. One day, as a dire result, we have to face a dire flood of poisonous pride in the human society. That causes our fall ultimately. So, it is always better to check it at the outset so that they do not get any chance to grow up and affect our soul and also our relationships.

The poem -- "Little Acts of Pride"

Little acts of pride
That does feel like gall,
One day flow like tide,
When one ought to fall.

The keywords to the short summary of the poem

Tiny poem, designed in the fashion, little drops of water, little grains of sand, satirise, human folly, inordinately proud, little acts of pride, big mistake, mighty contests rise from trivial things, psychic fall, poison, face a dire flood of poisonous pride in the human society

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, little acts, pride, feel, gall, one day, flow like tide, fall


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