Time for Activation

The poem in a nutshell

Whatever principle we follow, whatever motto we do possess, will be fructified in our activation of the same. Until and unless we try to activate our philosophy, everything will become hollow, full of empty sounds only. Therefore, we require to change our hearts without any limit. We should turn back from the path of vice. We must come to the right track of virtue. When love looks down, it is grace. Hence, to procure the eternal grace from God, we must do what is right, not according to our will, but according to God's will. To do that, to hear His voice, we have to change our hearts with earnest prayers and proper activation. The time has come when we should no longer sit back idly but must work actively. It is the time for activation.

The poem-- "Time for Activation"

Until and unless we do follow,
Each principle will seem so hollow.
We need to change
Our hearts beyond range.
Wearing a good face
Is not as pretty as grace.
Let our love stoop;
Grace will batter each loop.
Without verifying the facts,
Let's change our evil acts
Into each good one.
We'll behold the sun
Even more luminous;
Life will no more feel ominous,
If we're good indeed,
If from ill acts we get freed.

The Keywords

Poem, time, activation, follow, principle, hollow, need to change, hearts, beyond range, wearing, good face, pretty, grace, love, stoop, batter each loop, verifying the facts, change, evil acts, behold, sun, luminous, life, ominous, indeed, ill acts, freed


  1. "We need to change / Our hearts beyond range " অথবা "We'll behold the sun / Even more luminous " -- আজকের প্রজন্মের একজন কবির এমন ঝকঝকে শব্দের ঝলক ... আমাকে মুগ্ধ করে বারবার। বারবার সে সত্যরূপী ঈশ্বরের মুখোমুখি আমাদের দাঁড় করিয়ে দেয়, ... তার অনুসন্ধানের মর্মকথা আমাদের ষ্পর্শ করে ,ভাবায় । সে তার কবিতায় বলে .."দর্পিত শির ভালোবাসার কাছে নতজানু হোক / ক্ষমা মুছে নিয়ে যাক সব অন্ধকার / ছিন্ন করুক তমসার যত আড়াল / জীবনের যত দূরপনেয় গ্ৰন্থি / সে যেন অন্ধকারে দিশাহীন মানুষগুলোর কাছে বলতে চায় ..." সূর্যের প্রখর তেজে এসো করি স্নান সমাপন " ...!

    1. I don't know how to express my sincere thanks. I convey my cordial regards to you.

  2. Very nice. Really the appreciation is inexpressible.

    1. Wholehearted thanks... Stay blessed and enriched.


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