
Showing posts from June, 2020

Like a Burning Candle

The poem in a nutshell An artist is like a burning candle. A candle has to burn itself down up to the last breath to produce light in the entire atmosphere. Likewise, an artist, a creator has to pour out his / her everything down into the creation to make it enjoyable to the world. Each and every person is a creative artist in some way or the other. Until and unless we burn ourselves down like a candle, we will have no value of our own. So, we have to produce up to the last lees of the glass of life. An artist has been given the responsibility to not only inform but also to transform people. So, he / she has to work up to the last breath in his / her life. The poem-- "Like a  Burning Candle" Like a burning candle, Lighting up its surroundings To the last flame of fire, An artist needs to Pour down everything To the last lees To enlighten the world, To inform the people, To try to transform them, By knocking at the door

Our Mother Nature

The poem "Our Mother Nature" in a nutshell Nature is our mother, for sure. If we look after her, she will take care of us all. Her fullness, stillness, and calmness echo in our soul. She is indeed lenient to us, for we are her children. However, at times, she becomes malignant. She then as if rebukes and punishes our disobedience. Hence, we are supposed to abide by her laws. Only then she will abide with us always. The poem-- "Our Mother Nature" Nature is full; Nature is calm; Nature is still; She echoes our soul. If we love her indeed, She does reflect our mood; She is the manifestation Of the Supreme Soul. She is our lenient mother; At times, she is malignant; We should abide by her laws; O, abide with us, Mother. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, mother nature, nature, full, calm, still, echoes our soul, love indeed, reflect our mood, manifestation, Supreme Soul, lenient mother, at times, ma


The story behind the poem It was a cloudy afternoon. I was gazing at the dark west sky. I came to behold that the entire sky was not dark; there was a few silver linings too. This gave me an idea to build up a thought that darkness and light walk hand in hand with each other. Milk or the "Milk of Paradise" or ambrosia and gall or poison, rise and fall, ebb and tide, produce a dappled experience in human lives. The birds flutter their wings to return to their nests after the day's work. A rain at the hand produces plenteous joys in every heart. The poem-- "Stillness" Milk and gall! Rise and fall! Such thoughts do arise; Behold the dappled skies. Their fluttering sound Fills up the mind profound. Why is everything so still? Will a storm work and fill? A rain is in the offing; Banish baseless bickering By all of us; Why feel so harsh? What we give is what we gain --- Joy for joy and pain for pain.

The Lockdown

The story behind the poem Of course, Corona and lockdown have shattered our lives into pieces. Still, we can look at the positive side of this scenario as well. For example, we have been given a pure Nature, a pure atmosphere once again. We have been gifted with another chance to get ourselves rectified as well. Like an optimist, we must try to drain out the positive out of the negative. We should not break down. We have been given another opportunity to prove ourselves anew. Let's plunge in. The poem-- "The Lockdown" I desire it sometimes, Perchance, a lot of times, This lockdown not to end; I've found out my best friend -- My own mirror image -- That was like a mirage In the past days indeed; Nowadays, I got myself freed From every shackle; Time can't me buckle; I am my own boss; Time can't take away my gloss. Nature feels so pure With fresh oxygen, for sure. No din and bustle! No kind of hassle! There m

Time for Activation

The poem in a nutshell Whatever principle we follow, whatever motto we do possess, will be fructified in our activation of the same. Until and unless we try to activate our philosophy, everything will become hollow, full of empty sounds only. Therefore, we require to change our hearts without any limit. We should turn back from the path of vice. We must come to the right track of virtue. When love looks down, it is grace. Hence, to procure the eternal grace from God, we must do what is right, not according to our will, but according to God's will. To do that, to hear His voice, we have to change our hearts with earnest prayers and proper activation. The time has come when we should no longer sit back idly but must work actively. It is the time for activation. The poem-- "Time for Activation" Until and unless we do follow, Each principle will seem so hollow. We need to change Our hearts beyond range. Wearing a good face Is not a


The poem "Landscape" in a nutshell In this poem, we come to realise the fact that as and when we get tired of viewing the natural landscape, we come to decide that we are no more human beings. That is to say, we have turned animals indeed. It refers to the fact that whenever we find the natural landscape tiring, we should get sure that our time of the ultimate end is drawing close. Therefore, instead of creasing our mentality and humanity, we should usher them in always for a better tomorrow in the society. The poem-- "Landscape" All day do the landscape I view; Yet they are always evernew. I must know, I must know-- Whenever it does tire, Destiny will play dire, For the moment we cease Loving her, we crease Our mentality, Full of brutality. We must know, We must know That our time's drawing close; Time will not be as it goes. The keywords Poem, landscape, all day, view, always, evernew, k

A Criminal

The poem in a nutshell This poem has been written from the vantage point of a criminal. We consider them to be the ill sides of our society. However, we should keep in mind that they, too, are human beings of flesh and blood. They, too, have their own joys, their own sorrows, their own love, their own hatred, their own laughter, their own tears, their own emotions and feelings and so on and so forth. The basic point is that none of them are inherent criminals; they are rather the products of our criminalish society. The poem-- "A Criminal" I may be a criminal; Still, I have a heart; I may be a criminal; Yet, I have my own love. I may be a criminal; Still, I have my own joys; Still, I have my own pains; I have my own laughter; I have my own tears; I have my own dreams; I have my own songs. You will never ask me why -- I know that beforehand. So, I choose to answer now -- "I, too, am a human being Made of flesh an

Tackle People

The poem in a nutshell People are people; they are always present to dominate us, to discourage us and to make fun of us. However, we must stay stolid and stoical at their conduct. We must keep in mind that they are incorrigible. That is to say, we each is creative in some way or the other. Moreover, people are there to hinder in our creative process. Whatever we do, we must do passionately, not caring for their hindrances, not treading in their traps at all. Their call does sound so cacophonic indeed. They are harsh, they are cruel-hearted. Therefore, it is better to bring out the best of us so that they can be answered silently through out acts of further creation. The poem-- "Tackle People" People are here, People are there To envy your talent, To give you discouragement. Don't heed to them; They will be the same; You can't change them at all; Their cacophonic call Will endeavour to hinder. You don't commit the blu

The Burning Sun

The story behind the poem It was a summer afternoon. I was standing on the roof facing the fading sun. I stood still feeling his warmth all over my body. My face was lit up with his light and warmth. At that time, the sun seemed to outshine more, even more than usual. I hailed the Creation of God all at once. However, abruptly, my soul was lit up as if I could hear the melodious sound of the wind around me. It reminded me of the fact that Moses, too, was standing still in front of the burning bush in the Book of Exodus . They suddenly flashed upon my vision. I cried out, "Hallelujah! I have found you at last." Thereafter, a gentle peace felt injected within me as I was almost numb then. The poem-- "The Burning Sun" I stood still and the sun outshone As if God whispered into my ears Through His creation all at once. I felt as if I was Moses in front of The burning bush. Hallelujah! What pure peace came up W


The poem in a nutshell In the modern age, it is hardly found that anyone is suffused with mental peace completely. Even though life is full of ebb and tide, and ups and downs, even though we are aware of these things all the time, we cannot usually accept the inevitable truths. As a result, we face psychic fall. Again, we are aware of the fact that variety is the spice of life. That is to say, in Nature herself, we can find the very variety -- from the sea to the hill. Nothing can be still. Everything is full of change. After all, change is the only constant thing in the world. Therefore, we should try to remain still and calm. Although water bodies drag more water from the world, although the rich become richer and the poor poorer due to the vicious cycle of poverty, we should stay calm and composed, instead of clamouring that "Variety is the spice of life" is a verbal issue full of lies alone. The poem-- "Variety"

A Tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput

The story behind the poem Yes, the sudden demise of the Indian actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, is not only pathetic but also tragic. Although it is true that he went away leaving us in awe, it is also a fact that he will not fade away too. His abrupt succumb was put a startling effect on all of us, for sure. Sometimes we might try to concoct a story regarding the death of the glorious actor. Still, it is the fact that he was who he was. In utmost frustration, in piteous pain and in strenuous strain, he found no support from any one of us. Hence, he had to face the ultimate end of life so prematurely. All we can do is to pay a little homage to the actor. The poem-- "A Tribute to Sushant Singh Rajput" You went away, But won't fade away From any of our heart; Your sudden succumb did all start. O, glorious Star, Don't get afar From anyone of us; The society's harsh Rules can't blot you out, Even tho

Realisation of Conscience (Fathers' Day Special)

The poem-- "Realisation of Conscience" (Fathers' Day Special) Every time I blame you, You put your head down With a slight smile, With a pair of glistening eyes, But never say a word. I called you "unlucky for me", I named you "inauspicious" In my life; I blamed you again. What is it that every time I blame you, you do Endure with the same Expression? I sometimes wonder. Now I realise my sin, Dad; I'm sorry; forgive me, please; I know that the five-letter word Is too short, full of alibis alone, and Humiliating to your sweet soul; But you ever waited just for this. This little yet large realisation Of mine own conscience is worth Your smile. Aye, you awaited just this. Such realisation's the most Gorgeous gift indeed, as you say. What else can I gift you truly? I'm empty-handed, while you're Wholehearted with open arms. You're my Creator, my God indeed, And my nurtur

The Perfect Reply

The poem in a nutshell This poem "The Perfect Reply" depicts the power of silence. Yes, silence is the most powerful reply ever. Speech is silver, but silence is gold.  Nothing can be truly perfect in this world. Nothing is there that does not have any adulteration. However, silence is the only thing that has pure perfection in all respects. So, let us all have a silent reply, whenever required. The poem-- "The Perfect Reply" When people call you to be strange, To measure you, they lack the range; When people call you to be weird, With ill feelings, they all are smeared. Let them say, let them say That you have mental block; You too will have your day; They will get the aftershock. Wait and wait until then; They will be proved insane; Your acts will give them reply; No need to be coy and shy. Silence is the perfect reply; It will help you win; Know, you're mature but not shy, To rem

A Song of Flight

Story behind the poem One afternoon, I was seated on the bench at the bus stop purposelessly. The lockdown period was in full swing even then. In front of my eyes, I beheld a flight of birds returning probably to their nests. The factory was locked down. However, there was no smoke emitted by the chimneys. Hence, the sky was almost pollution-free. It was a visual treat indeed to behold those birds soaring on the blue ocean-like sky. Beholding the scene, my soul took a flight which was no less than that of those birds. I could easily befriend those pure pals in the twinkling of an eye. Oh! It was a novel marvel truly. In a moment, I could feel uncaring to this world's anxieties and sorrows. That was one of the best days in my entire life. The poem-- "A Song of Flight" Soar and fly! Soar and fly! O blithe birds, fly more high, In the azure silky sky. Take me here, take me there; Free my bird from the snare; Let me this worl

Little Acts of Pride

The poem in a nutshell This tiny poem has been designed in the fashion of the following poem: Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land. However, this poem attempts to satirise the human folly that we are inordinately proud of ourselves which we should never be. Little acts of pride will make a big mistake on our parts. Just as "mighty contests rise from trivial things", little acts of pride are responsible for our psychic fall. Likewise, they feel like poison. One day, as a dire result, we have to face a dire flood of poisonous pride in the human society. That causes our fall ultimately. So, it is always better to check it at the outset so that they do not get any chance to grow up and affect our soul and also our relationships. The poem -- "Little Acts of Pride" Little acts of pride That does feel like gall, One day flow like tide, When one ought to f

Eternal Change (Haiku)

The thought behind the haiku “Eternal Change” Nothing but change is the only constant thing in this world. Likewise, we notice that the daytime is rules by the sun. However, at night, the moon climbs up the mountain to replace the ruler. Yes, “acceptance is the key to be truly free”. So, the sooner we learn how to accept the same with our heart, the better progress we can make. After the completion of the entire day’s work, the sun bids us farewell for the day that he would come again on the next day. Then the milky moon climbs up the sky as if it is her rule the entire night. The mountain is the canvas; it is the general canvas behind which the changing visions are visualized every now and then. It is a fact that change will take place sooner or later. What is good and helpful today may not be so tomorrow. That is to say, everything relies upon the fact of relativity. Thus, the world keeps on turning. The poem -- "Eternal Change" -- a haiku

In Heaven

The poem "In Heaven" in a nutshell Have you ever wondered how you would feel and reciprocate the divine love? Of course, we cannot have any direct experience to that. Still, we can imagine that. As a result of our imagination, we can feel as if we are in heaven. Such an attempt has been taken by the speaker persona in this poem. However, it is indeed a blissful experience.  Anyway, let us all have a pleasure reading. I hope, you all will enjoy this little poem to your hearts' content. I believe that you would feel the oneness with my feelings and emotions as well. Therein will lie the success of this simple poem. The poem -- "In Heaven" The fragrance of the path familiar Lit my heart like a chandelier; It drew away my plight, After my lifelong fight. I'm no more the same; Life's just a game; It's over now. I wonder how I came over all of it; Now only divine tidbit! The distressed heart fe

Poem and Child (Quotation)

The poetic quotation -- "Poem and Child" A poet gives birth to a poem, Just as a mother gives birth to a child. The child looks after its mother When it becomes grown; So, does a poem take care of its poet, When it becomes well known. A few words Poetic composition is a creative process just like the process of giving birth to a child. A mother has to undergo the labour pain before giving birth to her child. Similarly, a poet, too, has to undergo, at least, a few moments of great pangs for the creation of his / her poem. Let us remember Percy Bysshe Shelley's words in To A Skylark : "Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought." In its infancy, the mother takes care of the child with intense love and tenderness. Similarly, a poet takes care of his / her creation. However, afterwards, the child looks after his / her mother, when he / she is grown up. Likewise, a poem looks after its poet when

Fake Company (Quotation)

The poetic quotation -- "Fake Company" Beware, always, of a company fraud and fake;  It can ensnare you, putting our loving life at stake. A few words We all are surrounded with so many human relationships. However, all of them do not come true and fruitful. Most of our relationships prove to be false, fraud and fake. So, we need to be very much aware of everything. We have to keep our eyes and ears open. We need to open the door of our intuition. We must always keep this fact in mind that at any moment, be it sooner or be it later, our fake, false and fraud relationships can put our blissful life at great jeopardy. Hence, we should stay cautious. Still, we should love human beings. Perhaps, one day, one or some of them might cheat us. Still, we all should keep in mind that natural or divine retribution awaits all of us in this very life itself. We will not be given any second chance. So, whatever we do should be do

The Bleeding Earth (Haiku)

The story behind the haiku “Bleeding Earth” We were born on this earth with a view to live a peaceful life. Still, nowadays, our life is becoming more and more venomous day by day. However, if we examine this matter, we will come to find that the very problem lies at the very root of our civilization. Yes, we are modern, we are civilized, we are cultured, but have we ever thought how cruel-hearted we all are? We can stab one another with a spontaneous smile. An animal can be assessed to be less cruel than a human being. Actually, needless to mention, an animal is disgraced when it is compared with a human being. That is to say, the next step of action of an animal can be easily guessed as and when we come to notice its present step of action. Be it domestic, be it wild, it is needed to be mentioned that animals are truly far kinder than us. Moreover, this is evident from the pandemic situations like Corona or COVID- 19 even more severely. The poem -- "The B

The Slammed Door

The poem in a nutshell In this poem, a past rapport of the speaker persona with someone else has been referred to. However, in course of time, the so-called friend of the speaker banged or slammed the door of friendship from his / her end. The poem depicts the sore and the bitterness caused in the speaker due to the end of the amity. The Poem-- "The Slammed Door" O, yes, I called you twice, But no more did you reply; How could you turn as ice? O, why? Could you tell me why? All seems a false mockery, With no life, with no meaning; Where does lie the mastery Over sentiment and feeling? Losing a friend like you, Now I grope in the dark; Was our amity indeed true That left me in misty murk? Without a rigid reason, You caused the block; Amity has no season; Nor does it give us a shock. True amity does provide Comfort and care; It does never hide, But all does it share. I tried to be

Who's Immoral?

The poem-- "Who's Immoral?" People with mindset conventional Term me to be 'abnormal', For I nourish my fire, I too foster hidden desire. I too have my passion, Just like any other person. I too cherish my fantasy, Full of love and ecstasy. I may be a woman; Still I'm a human. I too have a heart That they think to be full of dirt. I do care a bean That they term as 'sin'; I will nurture my passion In the air like a mansion. And when my lips with words overflow, They'd scarcely term me, letting me go -- "Let her go, let her go, Or her words will show That we too are not genuine, That we too are full of sin." Thus, I can open the lid; This society's just full of greed, And also duplicity, Lacking all morality. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, immoral, people with mindset conventional, abnormal, nourish, fire, foster hidden desire, pa

The Month of Pride

Introduction to the poem The poem is fundamentally composed to glorify human bond and love all over the world irrespective of any race, any sex, any other category. Love is such a thread that binds all together. In this poem, I have tried to glorify the right of the lesbians, gays and so on. We look down upon them sometimes. Still, they are also flesh-and-blood human beings like any of us. Am I right? The poem-- "The Month of Pride" No need of shame, But right to pride; For all, love's not a game; It's the month of pride. I may be a gay; I may be a lesbian; People have nothing to say That I am a plebeian. We too are human; We too have right; I too am a clan To shine extrabright. The continent we complete; None can live as an island; The social standards might not meet Our love and point of stand. At us, do you frown; Still, we'll establish the right; Our love we won't drown, Thoug


The poem in a nutshell / a short overview of the poem The poem refers to the battle between Corona and mankind. It is not unnatural to fear the virus and the disease. However, we have to gather courage to defeat Corona in this battle. Apart from building up our immunity, we have to stay mentally stable as well. We have to think positive and work positive. We have to be strong and robust both mentally and physically. We need to stay harmonised. Only then, we will be competent enough to defeat the terrible disease in the universal battle. The poem-- "Battlecry" I'm not scared, Though Corona flared. I won't be dead Of Corona's blade. I'll nurture God within; I'll resign to every sin. O Corona, you can't vanquish Us out of lots of anguish. We won't die. We will survive. Dead won't I lie. It's my life. You we will defeat. Surely, you will retreat. Corona, get back.

Vanquished Corona

The poem "Vanquised Corona" in a nutshell How can we get rid of Corona? How can we vanquish the same? Corona has become a tyrant. So, is there no way to defeat this virus? At this time of the pandemic, we have to stay calm and cool. We have to work together hand in hand. We have to fight shoulder to shoulder. With our complete harmony alone, we can vanquish the same. The poem-- "Vanquished Corona" Corona's tyranny Can't be our destiny. We're not afraid Of Corona's raid. We will live; We won't die; Corona will leave And feel shy. How, O, how? Tell me how. Yes, I will. Sure, I will. Hold your breath; Close your eyes; Conquer death; Conquer sighs; Live we will With goodwill. Live we must. Live we must; Corona will feel aghast With our strong mettle; Aye! We'll resettle. We will defeat Corona's fit. We're not mundane human; We each is a