The Flash

The poem "The Flash" in a nutshell
The dazzling flash of lightning baffles the speaker. He / She closes his / her eyes in utmost astonishment and awe. Although the flash becomes invisible in a wink, its aftershock constantly knocks at the eyes of the speaker. His / Her each and every wound is cured and healed by the very natural beauty. The speaker has in his / her mind that Moses, too, in the Book of Exodus closes his eyes in front of God's divine light. Truly, God's "unseen presence" is always laudable. He should be glorified always and forever.

The poem -- "The Flash"

The flash of the lightning
Is so dazzling --
I close my eyes;
In a wink it dies;
But the aftershock
Gives constant knock
To my ocular door,
Healing every wounded sore,
Just as Moses closed his,
In front of His divine bliss.
So malignant yet pure!
That does the truth ensure!

The keywords to the entire poem "The Flash"

Poem, flash, flash of the lightning, so dazzling, close my eyes, in a wink it dies, aftershock, constant knock, ocular door, healing, wounded sore, Moses closed his, His divine bliss, malignant yet pure, the truth ensure


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