
Showing posts from July, 2020

A Walk down the Tunnel

The poem -- "A Walk down the Tunnel" “Darkness does embalm; All things getting calm, Produce an eerie feeling; Can it serve with a healing?” “Aye, aye, sure, sure! Such feelings do us lure, To approach its end.” “Can we reach, my friend? The tunnel’s too long; With the bats’ screeching song, It does sound so strange.” “We can’t fathom its range. The tunnel’s so profound With the sorrowing sound Of a wailing woman at a distance; Hush! You can’t at her glance.” “Is she visible? Is she?” “Take some time for her to see. You’ll know everything; Hence, you have to cling.” “Such a sooty place!” “Don’t disgrace, pal, don’t disgrace.” “Where is she now?” “You’ll know the knowhow.” “I sneeze and cough, sneeze and cough. Whoa! Was that not a female laugh?” “Yes, it is! Yes, it is! Here you’ll find eternal bliss.” “Eternal bliss? What does it mean? You were supposed to guide me clean.” Of c

In the Cobweb

                    The poem in a nutshell This modern society is nothing but like a cobweb itself. We are ensnared in the web of lies, in the web of ill deeds, and in the web of vices and so on and so forth. The stagnation, the social stagnation is almost like a gigantic spider coming closer and closer to us day by day to engulf our everything. Life becomes monotonous indeed. There is no essence of life nowadays. However, we can make it through with our philanthropy, with our honest desire and with our good deeds. The poem -- "In the Cobweb" We’re caught in a cobweb; The gigantic spider Slouches towards us To engulf us forever. It’s a stagnant state Of human humdrum society, Where the ill-treaters Come forward to hammer us down. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, cobweb, caught in a cobweb, gigantic spider, slouches, engulf, stagnant state, human humdrum society, ill-treaters, hammer down The keywords to th

Death’s Charm

The poem in a nutshell Everything depends on how we look at it. Death, too, can be taken positively, as and when we can accept it positively. Our aspect or our outlook to life makes all things possible or impossible. We have to take all things with positivism and we need to accept things. Acceptance is the key to liberty actually. Hence, when we take all things optimistically, everything can be likewise. We must not overlook death's purity. Yes, it may be fearsome, but it can never lose its charm still. Then alone we will be able to enjoy life to the fullest. In William Blake's observation, "Without contraries is no progression." The poem -- "Death's Charm" Death can never harm; He too has his charm; I might feel morose; I may have sorrows; Still, they’re just mine; Hence, I do incline To receive such; Bearing magical touch, They light me up, With true joy’s club. The keywords to the entire poem

The Ogre

The poem in a nutshell Corona or COVID-19 is indeed a monstrous creature to all and sundry. It snatches lives in the twinkling of an eye. Like a monster, it stretches out its tongue here and there. No matter whether one is brave or fearful of the virus, it might spare none. So, we have to stay extra-cautious. Let us all keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. Let us all battle together. The poem -- "The Ogre" Corona’s tantalising tongue Has been spreading so long. Nobody does the ogre spare; No matter if I fear or dare, It will me ensnare. The sun soon will go down; Corona’s ready to frown, With his jeopardising jaws; We all are full of flaws; Lo! He outstretches his claws. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, ogre, Corona's tantalising tongue, spreading so long, ogre spare, fear or dare, ensnare, the sun, go down, ready to frown, jeopardising jaws, full of flaws, outstretches claws The keywor

The Best Poem (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “The Best Poem” All of us are well aware of the fact that the procedure of giving birth to a child is not a cakewalk. A mother has to undergo her labour pain for the sake of this task. Have you seen or have you ever imagined the scene of a volcanic eruption? Have you given it a thought? If we ponder over this matter, we will come to realise that such volcanic eruption is nothing else as well.That is to say, our Mother Earth erupts out the magma in the form of lava from her very womb. Similarly, poetic composition is a procedure just like that. A poet, just like a mother or like a volcano, when becomes heavily burdened of a thought or a pensive feeling, he / she creates a poem out of the labour pain. It is to be noted that as and when we feel the labour pain before a poetic composition, we can bring the best out of ourselves. The poem -- "The Best Poem" -- a haiku To pen a good poem, Do you feel the labour pain?

Our Actual Identity

The poem in a nutshell This poem is written from a spiritual angle. At the outset, there is a set of questions. However, later on, we come to find that all those questions have been answered by the speaker persona of the poem. Therefore, the question portion may be looked upon as a person's ignorant state of mind, while the later answer part depicts his / her deeper realisation. The poem -- "Our Actual Identity" Who am I? Who are you? Wherefrom do I come? Which place is this? Where will I go? Why do we fight? For sheer sham fright? For premeditated position? What’s that? How long will it last? We are none, we are nobody But the divided parts Of the Supreme Soul; We are the divided bread-loaves. We will have to go There where we come from; We have come here, on this Transient playhouse to prove, Prove how we can perform. We get involved in this World’s illusions, mirages, That will n

Lone (Haiku)

The poem “Lone” in a nutshell Human life, every now and then, looks for a company. In the haiku “Lone”, the speaker persona of the poem states that the clear sky above, the ridge mingling with the sea gifts him / her a company. Yes, it is true that human life relies upon our aspects or outlook at life. Still, sometimes we feel lonesome. However, we can get sure that we might feel lonesome apparently, but actually, our Mother Nature is always with us. She is there to accompany us always. We might have grown old. However, we have not grown up, perchance, still. When we are under the veil of our Mother Nature’s affectionate love and tender care, nothing in this world has the power to make us lonesome. The title of the poem has been given from an ironic point of view. Or is it just the opposite? Is it that the child of the Mother is growing up to find out a worthy companion for himself / herself? The poem -- "Lone" -- a haiku The clear sky abo

Short Life (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Short Life” Human life is extremely short, for sure. A moment that is lost is lost forever. Hence, why do we engage ourselves in vain feuds that scar our precious lives? The problem is at the very root of our minds. Instead of trying to keep up the good relationships with one another, we clamour for “It’s mine”. The very fact that we are too selfish and possessive should not be overlooked in this context. In the vain fights against one another, we scarcely care for the fact that time flies away in the twinkling of an eye. Time is time that never cares for anyone at all. Hence, we must make the most out of time. This life is ours. Therefore, the choice is ours too how we should live like. Should we live like a hypocrite? Or should we live in the right track of virtue? The decision is ours completely. Human relationships is such a lovely aspect that we must never look down upon. So, let us all live life up to the last dregs. The poem -- &quo

The Obituary (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Obituary” It is easy to say that man is mortal. However, it becomes that much difficult to accept that saying as and when we come to face such a consequence on our part. Likewise, I came to hear the heavy news of the sudden death of my teacher one day. I cannot tell why even now I cannot accept that obituary. Yes, death is such a notion that turns all our efforts, all our feuds etc. fatuous in the wink of an eye. Everything seems nothing but a pure mundane mockery indeed. Death proves this fact to the utmost. We clamour saying “It’s mine”, but all such fights become fruitless and meaningless in the terrible jaws of death. The claws of death snatch away our all in a blink. We have to stay prepared, therefore, always that the call may come any day to us. Without shouting and screaming for false matters, we should, hence, try to stay inclined to the actual matter of love and peace in our lives. The poem -- "The Obituary" -- a h

Try Again (Haiku)

The poem “Try Again” in a nutshell This poem has been written from a motivational point of view. It can be discerned that after a few attempts, we become weary. We then give up trying again for the same job. However, we should never forget the story of Robert Bruce. Whatever happens gives us a lesson, an everlasting lesson, provided we open the door of our receptive minds to accord that lesson a ready welcome. It is a shame to those people who try to overpower us, because they do not know the true meaning of life at all. They are actually none other than hypocrites. They say one thing, they do the other. Therefore, they are nothing but the garbage of the society. What we have to do is to filter the good things out of the entirety in life. Again, we can derive a positive conclusion from a negative thing or aspect too. That is to say, we ourselves need to stay positive. Yes, optimism can make all things possible. The poem -- "Try Again" -- a haiku Never

Lesson from the Rain (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Lesson from the Rain” Yes, sometimes we laugh away the trivial matters saying that they have no value at all. However, this should be noted that trivial things lead to perfection. “Little drops of water/ Little grains of sand/ make the mighty ocean/ And the pleasant land.” So, what we come to notice is the life force of puny objects in this regard. Whatever or whoever is belittled, will come out to light one very day. Because of our arrogance and envy, we belittle others. However, when that puny object or tiny person takes a voluminous shape, we run away at that time. This is evident from the pitter-patter of the raindrops. They slowly but surely take turn to cats and dogs rain. Hence, without demeaning someone or something, we should always try to honour every living creature. Nobody knows which divine force is underlying in whom. Therefore, we should always try to learn from everyone or from everything. Every little thing can be the source

Earthy Scent (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “Earthy Scent” It was a sultry and stuffy summer afternoon. We all were yearning for a drop of rain. Suddenly, there was a miracle. Yes, it was raining indeed. Oh! What divine peace! The pitter-patter started. All on a sudden, it began to give off a sodden earthy smell. It was like divine bliss. The smell was so pleasing that my heart leapt up in utmost delight. However, it was a novelty. Broadly speaking, whenever it rains, whenever it thunders, whenever it storms, our hearts get filled with awe. Why? This is so because they are ever-novel. Natural beauty can never tire our eyes. They are always new. They are eternally new. However, we need to seek the novelty with our open arms and with our open minds. If we keep our minds wide open, they will keep coming to us forever. We have to accord a ready welcome to every natural phenomenon. We are nothing but mundane creatures. Still, we get back what we give: joy for joy and pain for pain.

The Dark West Sky (Haiku)

The story behind the poem “The Dark West Sky” It was a cloudy afternoon. Clouds were getting heaped upon one another to form a lull before the storm. Everything was calm, composed and quiet. It was evident that a violent storm would be in the offing. Just as a military attack is preceded by a calm atmosphere, too calm indeed, as is observed in Spring Offensive by Wilfred Owen, such was the sky in that very afternoon. It was totally dark in the dark western horizon. Rain was coming at hand. Hence, the speaker persona in this haiku prays to the Lord for a shower to wash away every pain, to wash away each stain and stigma from this society. If a miracle happens some day or the other, it will perchance be preceded by a natural phenomenon. The rain is one such example. Yes, the rain, for sure, has the power to wash away the tears, to wash away the fears from the human eyes, from the human hearts. Let us all welcome rain cordially. The poem -- "The Da

Divine Answer (Haiku)

The thought behind the poem “Divine Answer” The poem “Divine Answer” depicts God’s probable answers found from the atmosphere. We pray to God, but we blame that He never does answer. Actually, the matter is totally different. Whenever we pray to Him, we just need to keep our souls and our hearts wide open so that we can listen to and so that we can receive His answer through various means. You can notice that if we pray with a cordial and an open heart, God is bound to answer us. He is our Divine Father. Can a Father turn His face away from His children? Yes, sometimes we might have to be tested, we feel awkward in tricky situations, but that does never mean that God is not answering us. He is everywhere. We should just turn our faces to His divinity. He is there to redeem us, to save us every now and then. But do we dare, do we care, do we prefer to receive His answer by listening to Him with an open heart? The poem -- "Divine Answer" -- a h

Prayer to the Precious Lord

The poem in a nutshell In this poem named "Prayer to the Precious Lord", the speaker persona has desperately prayed to the Lord to provide him / her with constant competence. Yes, even though one may have graphomania, one might face the writer's block at some point of time in one's life. None but the Lord can redeem us from such a distress. "Knock and the door shall be opened." Here the speaker persona makes an earnest prayer to the Lord for His benediction. Also, a broad mind or a golden heart has been asked for from the Lord. Only God can hold us all firm and fast in reality. The poem -- "Prayer to the Precious Lord" When I'm invaded by writer's block, At my door, You are there to give a knock. Give me the strength, The broad mental length To open the door right then. From above will every citizen Sing Your hymn, dear Lord. Hold me firm, O, God. The Keywords Poem, Prayer to the precious Lord

The Flash

The poem "The Flash" in a nutshell The dazzling flash of lightning baffles the speaker. He / She closes his / her eyes in utmost astonishment and awe. Although the flash becomes invisible in a wink, its aftershock constantly knocks at the eyes of the speaker. His / Her each and every wound is cured and healed by the very natural beauty. The speaker has in his / her mind that Moses, too, in the   Book of Exodus  closes his eyes in front of God's divine light. Truly, God's "unseen presence" is always laudable. He should be glorified always and forever. The poem -- "The Flash" The flash of the lightning Is so dazzling -- I close my eyes; In a wink it dies; But the aftershock Gives constant knock To my ocular door, Healing every wounded sore, Just as Moses closed his, In front of His divine bliss. So malignant yet pure! That does the truth ensure! The keywords to the entire poem "The Flash" Poe

An Appeal

The thought behind the poem The increasing toll of death is too much, too hard for anyone to bear with. Corona is extending its perilous paws, its tantalising tongue here and there, to and fro. It is as if a monster like Grendel has invaded this earth to make it a favourite food. However, have we ever pondered upon the question why such things are taking place? Does it not seem to all of us that this earth has become overbrimmed with sins, with ill deeds, with ill thoughts, with ill intents and so on and so forth? Does it not appear like this that nature is offended with the human beings? All can be solved, provided we can love mankind, provided we can love Nature, provided we love every creature on this earth. each and every creature has a right to live. Of course, we cannot monopolise for too long on this earth. Our monopoly will give birth to some others' monopoly, as and when we might face several disasters. Not prayer alone, not heaven above, but human lo

Cyclic Change

The poem "Cyclic Change" in a nutshell Everything in this world is full of change. Of course, the change takes place in a cyclic order. For example, after the entire day's work, the sun goes down. The sun has to give his place to the moon for the night. The stars twinkle beautifully at that time. However, the stars again have to give their places to the daylamp once again. Thus, the world keeps on turning. Likewise, human life is full of ups and downs. When we are down, we have to give the place to someone else. Again, when we are up, someone else has to give the place to us.Life has its equal share. So, in this way the world keeps on turning with the slogan, "Rotate and revolve". We should know how to accept this phenomenon. The poem -- "Cyclic Change" The sun goes down; The moon comes up; The stars do drown In the sun's club. Rotate and revolve; Rotate and revolve; Ups and downs involve "Rotate and

Depending on Time

The thought behind this little poem People will come in every human life one after another, but the time is limited to the utmost. Time will never come back. It flies away in a wink. Life is full of change. Therefore, change will come every now and then. Ups and downs in life constitute the change and its notion. People will criticise you, people will criticise me, people will criticise all of us, be it in the front or be it at our back. So, it is better not to retaliate. Let the time come when you ought to be proven that your thoughts were right in the past, when they had laughed at you. It is easy to disapprove of a work, but it is that much hard and arduous to prove oneself in that domain. So, it is always better to stay silent, since time will give them the best answer. Yes, it will be proven that their thoughts were diurnal while yours eternal. The poem -- "Depending on Time" People will come; Time will go; Change will come; Time will

Rise Again

The poem in a nutshell Here the speaker addresses a listener who has hardened his / her heart. As a result, the speaker feels mournful. His / Her heart feels full of gore, since it falls "upon the thorns of life" to "bleed". However, constant knocking at the door will open it one day, for sure, when you will behold the true light. The speaker plaintively says that one day, the constant knocking at the door will edify the listener how to be outspoken and extrovert. Since the listener is over-introvert, he / she is unable even to hum. The sun will rise up, for sure, to melt the ice. It may take a little more time; still, get sure that the ice will get melted one day. How long can a human being stay stone cold? The trauma functions as the Plague of Flies in the Book of Exodus . However, after each Marah, there will be an Elim. In other words, after the painful days, you will surely find divine and utmost bliss in life. So, just hold on and endure

The Blades of Grass

The story behind the poem One day, I was feeling too mournful all through the day. Suddenly, a vision of a lawn suffused with verdant grasses flashed upon my soul. Whenever I feel sorrowful or sullen, I try to take refuge to Mother Nature. She as if lulls me to sleep to balm my mental wounds. Whenever I feel any kind of trouble or agitation within, I try to look at that imaginary blades of grasses and their winking habit with the dewdrops at dawn. Whenever I am about to bleed upon the "thorns of life", whenever I feel morose, they whisper and murmur solace and songs into my ears making my heart happy again. Lots of love, lots of balm soothe my sores. The blades of grass function as my life-giver every now and then. I am indeed indebted to all of them. The poem -- "The Blades of Grass" Whenever I think I'm about to fade, I look at the blink Of the grassy blade; Lots of whisper, Lots of murmur Provide me with shade In my t

To the Blade of Grass

The poem in a nutshell Nothing can be considered to be trivial in this world. Even a blade of glass  should be given importance. It, too, has the potential to teach us a grand lesson. It teaches us how to feel blissful even in the midst of complete turmoil. Bliss is purely internal. It is holy. Even though the grasses are trodden on by the mass, they never do lose their internal bliss. So, we have to stay calm and composed even in the midst of obstacles. Only then will we be competent enough to feel spiritually rich and happy. Therefore, as a thanksgiving note, this little poem has been addressed to the glorious blade of grass. The poem -- "To the Blade of Grass" I learn from you, O, blade of grass; Trodden are you By the mass. You stay at calm; You stay at peace; You silently hum, "You can't snatch my bliss". These are all Sublime virtues; Your sweet call Turns my heart loose. Stay at calm, In utmost peace; I, too,

Life's Treasure

The poem "Life's Treasure"  in a nutshell This poem contains one question and one answer to that same question. The question has been asked in this way: "Where do I find / Life's hidden treasure?" So, here the word 'treasure' never does refer to some wealth and gems. It rather refers to the essence of life, the very philosophy of life itself. The person to whom the question has been asked has not been mentioned. Is the person a saint? Or is He God Himself? However, the answer is not clearly given. Still, if we delve deep, we can easily find out the answer. The answer lies purely in the couple of words "mingled measure". These two words can be traced back to the poem Kubla Khan  by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. "Mingled measure" refers to the equal share of life here. That is to say, we all shall get equal weal and woe, equal joy and sorrow and so on and so forth. The poem -- "Life's Treasure&qu