
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Teenager's Talk

The poem in a nutshell Corona's ruthlessness has been depicted in this poem that even a little teenager, who is about to flourish, cannot get rid of it. The poem -- "The Teenager's Talk" Will it kill us all, Mum? You say, one gets the sum Of one's deeds -- all of them; Now it doesn't seem the same. I've just stepped at thirteen; Won't I too be spared by COVID-19? I wish to meet more people; I wish to soar on the ripple Of my fantastic land, Holding your and Dad's hand. Corpses on corpses are getting piled; I don't want to be exiled, Mum, don't want to be exiled. You say, I'll be a big man, An honorable and pure man; I need to grow up With your club. Won't this virus let me go? Can't I fulfill my dreams and grow? Please, don't you cry, Mum; I'm ready to get my sum. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, teenager's talk, mum, one ge

Time to Pretend

The poem in a nutshell Sometimes life feels so stagnant that we feel frustrated. As usual, people around us keep us teasing and taunting. This definitely adds insult to our injury. A feeling of ennui becomes apparent at the forefront. What can we do then? In order to avoid the ill treatments from our surrounding people, we have to pretend. We cannot let them guess our actual state, in fact. The poem -- "Time to Pretend" When life gets stationary Like a mossy stone,  When time feels like A claustrophobic cul-de-sac,  When people pelt stones at you Like a pack of snarling stray-dogs,  It is felt that we must pretend;  Aye, it's time to pretend,  For, being unmasked, you can't Survive in the midst of An unruly mob of Masked people with The same visages. Hence, all must pretend;  It's time to pretend. The keywords to the entire poem Poem, time to pretend, life gets stationary, mo

Prayer of A Fallen Individual

The poem in a nutshell The poem is nothing but an earnest prayer of a fallen person or a fallen human being to the Supreme Soul. The human being, corrupt through and through, prays to the Omnipotent for forgiveness and moral teachings. The person here states his fallen state in a plaintive voice. None but God can save him / her from such a fallen state. The Lord is aware of everything. He is omniscient and omnipresent. Hence, the prayer is to lift him / her up from such a state. The poem -- "Prayer of A Fallen Individual" I'm forsaken as Atlantis;  I'm fading away like The sun going down;  I'm deserted as An abandoned tragedy;  I'm lifeless just Like a grey shadow;  I've lost my identity In the midst of Names numberless. Lift me up on Your shoulders;  Hold me firm With Your hands;  Keep me fast With Your velocity;  Pacify my soul With Your eyes;  Fill me up W

The Essence of Life

The poem -- "The Essence of Life" The azure canopy hung from above Whispers into our ears of Divine Love. How is it that all birds feel free,  When we, the humans, try to flee?  What is wrong, what is right,  Can't be gained when we fight;  If we learn from each trifle,  None can ever do us baffle,  For none is born perfect;  We all function like an insect,  As vile grips us in its fire,  Rendering us with ill desire. If we wish, we may learn;  From each naive thing, we may earn Wisdom rather than mere knowledge;  Without making a quest for privilege,  O Lord, can't we have divine wings?  One gains success when one clings To one's principle and aim. With the birds, let's be the same,  And one, and identical,  But never detrimental. We were born, we will die;  One day in dust we will lie. What is mortal, what is not?  One day all'll be brought to naught. Over-usage of eternity's to


The keywords to the poem Poem, Corona, constant, Corona-fear, tears, dirge, leers, hear, distant cries, bid adieu, face flood, face drought, time, wrought, tide of blood, overflows, society, aftermath, bestial gaiety The poem in a nutshell Because of Corona, all of us are constantly in utmost fear and tears. the death-song can be heard here and there. However, have we given a thought to the reasons responsible to this Corona outbreak? We can hear the distant cries of death. Everywhere Corona and death are extending their perilous paws moment after moment, day after day, month after month. Have we ever thought why we are facing such a turmoil? Our society became full to the brim with ill acts, with ill intentions of all of us. Can any of us utter loudly or softly that we are not sinners? If we do so, then it will be proven that we are the best hypocrites ever. The poem - "Corona" Constant Corona-fear Set

What Can It Do?

The poem in a nutshell Nothing matters in human life, unless and until we know how to become a true human being. The poem -- "What Can It Do?" Fame? What can your fame do, Unless you be a real human being? Name? What can your name do, Unless you know how to love A helpless, hopeless living being? Recognition? What can it do, Unless you learn true forgiveness? Eminence? What can it do, Unless you help those, Who are struggling against utmost distress? Have you ever fancied, Who has brought you up? Have you ever fancied, Who has been your life’s guide-map? Performance? What can it do, Unless you show your gratitude To your benefactor? Eligibility? What can it do, Unless you perceive any kind of matter? Career? What can it do, Unless you stand beside the destitute? Leadership? What can it do, If nothing you can restitute? Optimism? What can it do, Unless you be a

To My Grandpa's Spirit

The poem -- "To My Grandpa's Spirit" I indeed could never believe That you would desert us forever; Would you please bless me, You stay wherever? Wish and pray to our Lord, “May your soul rest in peace, Forever, in His loving lap, After this event, your decease.” Now, I feel all alone, Though, I have everyone except you; I do not want to roam in solitude, As, I admire you; it’s true. I know, the entire house Has lost its reverberating effect, As you have gone away, O, Grandpa; About death, I have no concept. I can not trust the fact yet now, In spite of hearing the ill news; The scene of your corpse, was More woeful than all other views. Now, my melancholy soul Wishes to give you a tribute; I know, death can only scare, But, has no power to dilute. Please pardon my adamancy, If I have ever misbehaved, During your lifetime; Hope, His brilli

To My Dear Helen

The keywords to the poem Poem, began, write the history, your life, kind of fear, great, Helen, dear, talented, esteemed, enchanting, fantasy, voice, buzzing in my heart, honey-seeker bees, fantastic, greatest, buddy, broad-minded, Mount Everest, cleaning my spirit, muddy, frustrated, story, stimulates, pal, I really love you heartily, melancholy moments, provide, glee, foment, new vigor, smilax, counsel, practice with great rigor, reach the climax The poem - "To My Dear Helen" You began to write the history of your life With a kind of fear; I know not why you are so great; O, Helen, to me, you are so dear. You’re talented, you’re esteemed; How enchanting your fantasy is! Your voice is always buzzing in my heart, Just like the honey-seeker bees. You are fantastic, you are the greatest; I look upon you as my buddy; You’re as broad-minded as Mount Everest ; You’re cleaning my spirit which

The Truth

The poem --"The Truth" The truth is firm; It is always holy; It does never harm, But, is really Too pure To be neglected; So, get sure To be respected, By respecting others, And loving all as sisters and brothers. The truth is the power; It is inevitable; One can’t be a coward, If one is true and noble. Try to love all, By listening to Nature’s call; Don’t dishearten any, Not to receive woe from many In your future As thousands of preying vultures At a stage; Get relief from this haze. You may belong to another world, But your fantasy must be true; It may not be real in word, But must be true, according to you. Just interrogate yourself whether You yourself can be the master Of Truth, Meekness and Purity, And also Faith, Hope and Charity. The keywords to the poem Poem, truth, firm, holy, harm, pure, neglected, sure, respec

The Sunrise

The Keywords Poem, Sunrise, Lo!, hills afar, wonderful sun, rising at dawn, a new life to the earth, grows green grasses, lawn, captivated, beauty, whole sky, Paradise, moist clouds sparkling, dazzling sunlight, float, golden sky, creating, incredible sight, heart-gratifying beauties of nature, perchance, amongst all, best, no wonder, genuine gift from God, choicest The poem in a nutshell This poem encapsulates the divine beauty of the sun coming up. The speaker is enthralled to behold the beauty calling it "the choicest". Such a natural beauty is definitely a gift from God to all human beings. The poem - "The Sunrise" Lo! Behind the hills afar, The wonderful Sun is rising at dawn; Each time it gives a new life to the Earth, And always grows green grasses on the lawn. One will just be captivated by the beauty of the Sunrise, Then the whole sky will seem to one as the Paradise,

The Juvenile Days

The poem--  "The Juvenile Days" I truly get dumbfounded To look back at the days I had once, And to get them back again, I will not be given any chance. I do not burst into remorse, Knowing this outrageous fact well; If my soul tries to force, It would simply fail. First, to a nursery school, Then to a kindergarten one; Now, I just can’t mull How they all are gone. Whenever I take an expedition Down my memory lane, I do not receive anything But lots of pain. I become astonished to think How great those juvenile days were; But, all went away in a wink, Forever, forever, forever… Many hands in a lunchbox, Many children at a play, Always ready for others to coax, To be ever-happy, ever-gay. Am I having a perfect time? Does everything happen for good? Now, I yearn to get back to The days of my childhood.


The poem --"Psyche" Imagine, how our psyche, Circulates the universe, Either being frustrated, Or being stimulated, by a curse. It alone is our power; It alone is our sinew; It alone creates itself, A most felicitating view. I hope, the whole tale, After an example would get clear, To usher in a new era of love, Driving away each tear. We know, in our society, There are so many destitute, Whom we look down upon with pity, But, can never restitute. They lack food, Clothes and shelter; But, truly, none we can ever Be their defender. Just see, they feel so happy, Even though, they lack so much Of earthly objects, but, are not greedy At all, for money as such. I opine, they lead a better life, Rather than that of us; And, we feel scared, When their talents gush. Then, all of us tease them, With parodies and taunts, Though, most ir


The poem -- "Nostalgia" When I was a little kiddie, Of the school-going-age, I did not foster any malady, Neither any kind of outrage. I came to know about My own admission From my parents, Always full of deep compassion. I commenced to introduce myself To my little classmates; They are my childhood-friends, Unforgettable, even on present dates. All of us were so pure, All of us were so naive, That we all could endure Anything, not being grave.                                               Those great, sweet days, Full of cute memories, Bring teardrops in my eyes, To restore my lost glories. There was so much simplicity, There was so much cordiality; All went away with a sigh, With each waterfall in each eye. I have heard a song That each teardrop is a cascade; If it be true and long, It will bring back my lost decade. During then, we all