My Little Sister's Naughty Pranks

The Keywords

Poem, little, sister, naughty, prank, at first, first, jump, lumpy, bed, tickling, grandpa, pretty, often, wake, morn, commence, sojourn, day, making, almost, insane, entire, family, toe, head, granny, turn, course, sleep, open, mouth, sugar, salt, fear, say, halt, uncouth, remorse, kid, squeeze, nose, leap, escape, glance, elder, nothing, meanwhile, nothing to do, mamma, true, affection, perfect, chance, study, force, love, bring, doll, book, hate, school, pull, hair, seek, refuge, quilt, cry, fool, sentiment, false, morning, morning walk, daddy, office, ready, cuddle, heart, hurt, aghast, mom, stalk, deep, sigh, relief, definitely, for the time being, invade, hour, perform, duties, see, younger, household, belief

The poem - "My Little Sister's Naughty Pranks"

At first jumping in the lumpy bed,
Then tickling Grandpa pretty often
To wake him up each and every morn,
She commences her naughty sojourn
Of the day, making almost insane
The entire family from toe to head.

Then it is just Granny's turn, of course,
When she's sleeping with her open mouth,
Where the girl puts some sugar and salt,
When Granny in fear just says, "Halt! Halt!
How can you each day be so uncouth?
Do you never have any remorse? "

But, the little kid squeezes her nose,
And leaping down, escapes at a glance,
When that elder has nothing to do.
Meanwhile, Mamma gets up to give true
Affection and find a perfect chance
To make her study, sometimes with force,

Sometimes with love, when she brings her dolls
Instead of books, because she hates school,
When she pulls her sister's hair, to try
To seek refuge in her quilt, and cry
Just not to read; she does not befool,
However, with her sentiments, false.

Returning home from his morning walk,
Daddy gets ready for his office, just
When she finds some cuddle from his heart.
However, she never tries to hurt
Any at all, though, all just stay aghast
Just when with Mom, schoolward does she stalk.

Then all heave a deep sigh of relief,
Definitely, for the time being,
Until she invades again after
The hours in her school, when the elder
Sister performs her duties, seeing
The younger is the household's belief.


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