Divinity Incarnate

The Keywords
Divinity, incarnate, substance, poem, possess, kind, divine, energy, quality, within, wake, heavenly, force, always, myth, mythical, bird, phoenix, burn, fire, reborn, hot, ash, rise, passion, strength, likewise, nurture, intense, love, care, compose, composed, flesh, blood, flesh and blood, chance, work, source, true, meaning, life,wand, light, wand of light, earthly, body, frail, place, worship, foster, sinew, very, soul, physical, die, physically, never, capability, create, new, immortal, world, creation, penchant, imply, Lord, Christ, Lord Christ, temple, perish, immortalize, divine force, again, symbol, symbolic, Resurrection

Substance of the poem

Everyone does possess a kind of divine energy or quality from within. We should wake our divine or heavenly force up always. Just like the mythical bird, phoenix, gets itself burnt into fire, and then is reborn out of the hot ashes, we can give rise to our own divine passion or our own heavenly strength likewise. All we have to do is to nurture it with intense love and care. Such a divine energy is composed in the flesh and blood. When we give it a chance to work within ourselves, it gives us the source of the true meaning of life with the wand of light. Our earthly body is like a frail place of worship that fosters our phoenix, our divine sinew, that is, our very soul. Even though we die physically, our soul will never die. Again, our divine force gives us the capability to create something new always. Even if we die, we will stay immortal in the world with our creation born out of our divinity which is incarnate. This poem has a penchant to imply Lord Christ as well. Again, the phoenix is symbolic of His Resurrection.

The poem - "Divinity Incarnate"

Give a chance to
The phoenix within
You. Wake it up;
Nurture it with care.

Such divine force
Is incarnate.
Give it a chance;
It'll take care of you.

Our frail temple
Nurtures our phoenix;
Even though we perish,
It will immortalize us.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your time and appreciation.

  2. Beautiful.The phoneix is one of my favourite symbols.

    1. Cordial thanks for your time and appreciation. Stay blessed always.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your time and appreciation.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your time and appreciation.


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