Grey in Hue

The prose -- "Grey in Hue"

The well-known social media are indeed required and essential in modern life, in order to share one's thoughts and ideas with a universal group of friends.

Some days ago, a tete-a-tete between two best friends, namely, Tanima and Jhilik, was overheard. While the former was persistently insisting on her prejudice that the social media are void of any demerit, the latter was found to contradict, “I never do think that anything in this world can be like that at all, because I can well recall William Blake's observation, 'Without contraries is no progression', and I do trust, they are not an exception to that.” It is quite unexpected that a teenager talks against social media like that, even though she too has an account in that media.

Mouli's mother, every now and then, is audible shouting at her daughter, “Study hard, which will make you become well-established in life. Only social media can't do anything. You do that hour after hour each and every day. Don't you find it tedious?” It sounds genuinely humorous, as and when the college-going girl replies, “Mom, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Do you want me to be like that?” Mouli's mother, being angry, moves away.

John makes so many friends utilising the benefits of these media. At the same time, Sarah falls victim to false messages. That is to say, these must be used with proper discretion, since these make our private things public. Sometimes people do not think much before taking a step in this arena, and consequently, sometimes they get affected by the nasty comments.

However, like every other thing, the notion of social media too is neither totally good nor completely evil; it is rather grey in its hue, where both the colours, namely, black and white walk side by side.

The keywords

Prose, grey in hue, social media, modern life, universal group of friends, tete-a-tete, best friends, persistently, prejudice, contradict, William Blake, 'Without contraries is no progression', teenager talks, shouting, audible, study hard, tedious, genuinely humorous, college-going girl, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, false messages, proper discretion, arena, nasty comments, totally good, completely evil, colours


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