
The poem in a nutshell

We metamorphose. Yes, we do. Be it in case of this life, or be it on case of Afterlife, we are subject to change or metamorphosis. Again, we can get metamorphosed in nature and character as well. Such metamorphosis turns us either good or evil. However, we must always try to get changed to the optimistic side of human lives.

The poem - "Metamorphosis"

The shower of sapless leaves,
Dancing in the midst of them,
My deep despair do they cleave;
I’m never more the same.

Lo! This blade of grass
Edifies so many things;
Yonder the golden mass
Lessons my heart that sings.

We change every day;
We are born again and again;
We never decease any day;
Everything’s in a chain.

That I’ll never die
Produces in me bounty and joy;
When one’s soul’s uplifted high,
One sheds off being coy.

The keywords to the entire poem

Poem, metamorphosis, shower of sapless leaves, dance, dancing in the midst of them, deep, despair, cleave, never more, same, blade of grass, edify, things, so many things, golden mass, lessons, heart, sings, change, born, again and again, decease, everything, chain, never, die, produce, bounty, joy, soul, uplift, high, sheds off, coy


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