Life, A Hurdle

The keywords to the entire poem

Newborn, babe, girdle, colony, ant, bird, wood, cage, wooden, prison, prisoner, Bastille, human, life, snare, ensnare, great, number, poem, life, hurdle, path, never, laden, silk, blossom, endeavor, indeed, attain, ambrosia

The poem in a nutshell

Human life is indeed a race, a long marathon race. It is decorated with lots of hurdles. Just like a little newborn baby encircled with a colony of ants, just like an innocent bird trapped in a cage, just like a prisoner in the Bastille, we are also trapped in the web of falsehood. Life is not a pathway full of silk. It is not full of roses. It is rather full of thorns that make us bleed every now and then. We need to overcome all the hurdles to obtain life's true essence. Yes, this life is nothing but a hurdle.

The poem - "Life, A Hurdle"

Like a newborn babe
Girdled by
A colony of ants,
Like a bird in
A wooden cage,
Like a prisoner
In the Bastille,
Each human life
Is ensnared with
A great number
Of hurdles:
The path of life
Is never laden with
Silk and blossoms.
If we endeavour indeed,
We’ll attain life’s ambrosia.


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